Monday, April 24, 2006

Weekend Update

Satureday night Husband was parenting while I was at a singing gig; not really a gig persay, I just like the way it sounds. Anyway, TJ kept getting out of bed with the usual I miss Mommy...don't let him fool you...anytime we have a babysitter come over he's jumping up and down in excitement and asking every 3 minutes When's the babysitter getting here? So the last time he was down Husband asked him what he wanted.

TJ: Is it the 29th today?

Husband: No, it isn't the 29th! Go back to bed!

Keep in mind the child is 6. The next morning as we're waking him up for church, TJ asked again Was yesterday the 29th? I said No, it was the 22nd. Why do you want to know? TJ said Because if it was the 29th, then today would be the 30th and it would be a day off from school. How do you respond to that?!

So back to my singing gig on Saturday of the older adult classes at church had invited a family of singers to come entertain them for the evening. Being as the class is made up of older people and most are hard of hearing, they also invited my ladies trio and flute quintet to play as well. Actually my ladies trio sounds really nice, I'm not real sure about the flute thing. On the order of service, we were the intermission; the trio was singing right after the flutes played...and only 3 flutes were able to come so it was somewhat lacking...anyhoo, I told one of the other floutists that I would just stay on the platform and wait for my singing entourage to join me and I asked if she could take my flute down with her. No problem.

The singing group that was there had brought their own sound system (pet peeve of Husbands as we have a top notch sound system); they had wireless mikes and did a lot of walking around on the stage but their speakers were somewhat lacking; it was at times hard to make out all their words. So I'm nervous when I'm up there because I didn't want to use their mikes - they held them right against their lips and just the thought of using something that someone else held that close to their mouth grossed me out. I could just picture all those little germies running around the mikes. And what if they had bad breath? I shudder to think about it even now.

The flutes did okay and I noticed that there were 3 mikes in our mike holder by the piano. I thought perfect! So I tried to pick one up but the mike chord, although it is wrapped neatly on the floor, was stuck. I had to bend over and pull and pull and pull. Then when I stood up, I knocked a stand that the other group was using as a table of sorts and knocked one of their discs off of it, on to the floor. I heard giggles. We managed somewhat to get the chords untangled and proceeded to the middle of the stage where we rocked. Not quite, but we did sound good. As we were putting the mikes back it was then that I noticed the disc on the floor, but I didn't pick it up...I felt so guilty for the rest of the evening, but if you've ever seen me bend over, you know I'm not very graceful about it. I have limited mobility in my hips and knees and squatting is just something I haven't been able to do in about 10 years. So rather than embarrass myself further I just left it. I was so worried that one of the singers from the other group was going to step on it and break it. But at least I was comic relief...or so I was told.

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