Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Wednesday Mish Mash

I'm bored. I don't feel like doing my work. And I certainly don't feel like cleaning the house. And I don't know what to blog about. It's snowing today; we woke up to a light dusting of snow on the ground. CJ's moods ranged from giddy to not giddy; he was mad at me when we got to school because he didn't have any mittens on. Child you know where the mittens are kept and you saw the snow when we were leaving the house. TJ has been grumpy since the time change. The blinds for their room are on back-order so we've pinned up blankets; sort-of keeps the light out at bedtime but obviously not enough.

Today is pizza day at school. Yay! I didn't have to make lunches last night.

I was at the grocery store this morning and I saw this guy in the baby aisle...he was looking at a piece of paper and then looking at the shelves and then back to the paper and then back to the shelves. It was kind of comical. I could sense his bewilderment.

Did you hear that Katie Couric is leaving the Today Show? I remember her as a reporter during the Gulf old does that make me! Husband and I both think she's too perky to be doing the evening news. I think I'll stick with Brian Williams...he's cuter.

CJ lost his glasses again. They've been missing for 10 days now and I don't know what to do. This is his 3rd pair in less than a year. We can't afford to buy him anymore glasses. The last time he had them was on the Sunday that Husband came home from Europe; CJ was outside playing and I noticed that later on in the day he wasn't wearing them. In the past he has stuck them onto a tree branch for 'safe keeping' and forgotten about them. I keep praying that they'll turn up soon. I don't really like our eye doctor. He's too chit-chatty and he'll answer his own questions before you get a chance to answer and they're not the right answers so you never know what misinformation he's spreading around. Small town gossips.

On a different note, a local doctor here in town is making arrangements to go back to China for his 2nd daughter. How cool is that! He travelled last March and I don't know where they are in the process for #2. My girlfriend, Lola, was telling me about this and she thought it was stupidness that he had to do all the paperwork over again...such is the process. Anyway, I don't know if it's out of line to just call them up and say Hey, can we get together in about a year for some playdates? The boys have been pretty healthy this winter...first time ever nobody's been on antibiotics (so far) so I haven't had to take anybody to the walk-in clinic...not that we'd ever get this particular doctor - we'd probably get Dr. Cefzil - as Lola and I affectionately refer to one of the doctors who always prescribes Cefzil no matter what your ailment.

Anyway, I'm probably boring you out of your mind HEY WAKE UP!!! I'M STILL TALKING HERE!!! Ah just go back to work, you know you want to.


Anonymous said...

When I was in Simcoe, I think my eye doctor was Peter Sawyer or something like that. He was a quiet spoken guy that graduated from Waterloo. I thought he was pretty good. (Just in case you are considering switching).

As far as not wanting to do work, I can relate. When I feel like that I'll usually visit your blog (oops, I mean our blog). I wish you had a link on the blog that would shut up the boss, disable the phone, and keep other annoying people like customers away.

Anonymous said...

I don't even think I had an eye doctor in Simcoe. Don't remember. As for not wanting to do work, I am frustrated today and sometimes I feel like I can get further ahead if I don't work. Right now I am working on a birthday card and am looking forward to having birthday cake at 4:30!! Highlight of my day! JB

Richmond said...

Oh, I love it when I don't have to pack lunches.... I know it's not a big deal to do it, but it's always such a relief not to *have* to! :)