Thursday, April 27, 2006

Ridden With Guilt

AJ is off to a youth conference until Saturday afternoon; he was super excited to go. This morning was a bit rough because I had a lot of things to do; I know, I should have been more prepared and got more things ready yesterday, but we had AWANA last night and my joints were sore (even moreso today). So at 7:30 this morning as I'm ironing shirts for AJ, I'm going through my mental list of what needed to be accomplished before 8:15...way too much. Of course Husband was already at the barn and didn't know when he'd be back. I actually called him at 7:45 to check on him, because it is springtime and it would be entirely possible for Husband to forget that AJ was going away for a few days. Luckily Husband was on his way home, and we even managed to get most everything done...although I didn't actually have time to check CJ's homework to make sure it was correct...I can only do so much. Husband was rushing and trying to do multiple things at once when I asked him if he could take the boys in to school. He said No, I don't have time. Why, is your hip sore? I told him it was but that I'd manage. For some reason it was important to me that Husband be the one to drop AJ off with the rest of the group - a male bonding thing maybe? Husband did take the boys in but I am feeling ever so guilty about the whole thing...even now 1 1/2 hours later...and I'm feeling especially guilty because I'm looking forward to having a break from one of my children. He's been especially ornary lately - hormones I guess - and when I tell him to do something he looks at me like I'm retarded...or like I have two heads...or three noses...and that's even if he acknowledges that I've spoken to him.

I hate writing my deep thoughts but I needed to get them out. I need to go overdose on Tylenol so that I'll be able to volunteer in TJ's class this morning...maybe one of the kids will do something funny I can blog about later...

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