Wednesday, September 13, 2006

12 Twelve 12 Twelve 12

Well this is just sucky. I've just spent the last half hour on my post about 12's and blogger lost it somewhere in cyberspace when I went to publish it. So now my bad mood is slightly badder (is it badder or more bad?). I will try to recreate it the best I can.

Interesting fact about the number Twelve such as:
  • The duodecimal system (1210 [twelve] = 1012), which is the use of 12 as a division factor for many ancient and medieval weights and measures, including hours, probably originates from Mesopotamia. As Schoolhouse Rock explains in its song "Little Twelvetoes", if humankind had been born with twelve fingers, they would have counted and multiplied using the duodecimal system. (There is no need to have twelve fingers though, since one will easily arrive at the duodecimal system by simply counting the phalanx bones of fingers with the same hand's thumb, a practice in use with some people until the present day.) What would we do without Schoolhouse Rock?
  • The duodenum (from Latin duodecim, twelve) is the first part of the intestine that is about twelve inches long. Something we all needed to know, I'm sure.
  • The Chinese use a 12 year cycle for time-reckoning called Earthly Branches.
  • Twelve is the number of pitch classes in an octave, not counting the duplicated (octave) pitch. Also, the total number of major keys, (not counting enharmonic equivalents) and the total number of minor keys (also not counting equivalents). This applies only to twelve tone equal temperament, the most common tuning used today in western influenced music. Maybe I should mention now that there will be a test later...
  • Twelve men have walked on the Earth's moon.
  • And most importantly, 12 is the number of months that our file has been logged in at the CCAA.

So without further ado, I present to you my own duodenum of movies I don't ever want to watch again. Keep in mind that I'm a big wimp and do not enjoy getting scared and having to run past dark windows at night because there might be something out there wanting to eat my flesh. Just so you know.

1. Butterfly Effect - creeped me out in a big way

2. Child's Play - I saw part of it on the dish and I have no desire to watch the movie in it's entirety

3. Halloween - isn't this every person's nightmare? Having someone jump out from behind a closed door and stab you to death?

4. The Abyss - fear of the unknown; I'd like to know if it's a crazed doll or mental patient that is trying to kill me...I need to know

5. Carrie - I was a young teen when I saw this movie and although I'm sure I'd be fine watching it now, I'd rather not

6. Silence of the Lambs - I was genuinely scared during this whole movie because the story line is very plausible

7. Ghost - I was infinitely sad and bawled my eyes out the whole time. I can't watch it again

8. The Royal Tenenbaums - well there's 109 minutes of my life I'll never get back again

9. Open Water - this movie came on the dish and we didn't know what it was about before we starting watching it - gave me the shivers

10. The Cable Guy - this movie was too weird for me and I turned it off after about 20 minutes

11. Phone Booth - I don't like Colin Farrell and this movie did nothing to endear him to me; plus I just didn't like it

12. The Million Dollar Hotel - the lighting was too bluey and the plot was too hard to follow

There. My list that you didn't know you couldn't live without.

I'm in a bad mood today (before blogger went all stupid on me) because I was supposed to go scrapbooking but last night Husband broached the subject of hiring someone to help me out in the office. I don't work well with others. Shocking, I know. I have a hard time with people being in my personal space. So I'm staying home to work so that Husband will see that I can do it all myself. Boy that sounds awfully childish, doesn't it. Me do it. Anyway, I'd rather be scrapbooking.


Anonymous said...

You know this is going to take some time to think about. All I can think about right now is listing all of the Adam Sandler movies. I just don't "get him". Except for 50 first dates. I really liked that one but that wasn't a typical "Sandler movie". I didn't like that Crash Movie. Of course I only watched it for about 20 minutes before turning it off. Maybe if I gave it a chance I would have liked it. I haven't watched most of the movies that you listed. I did like Silence of the Lambs but I happen to like psychological thrillers. I don't like Vampire movies though. Too weird. Slashers movies is a 50/50. If they are done right then I like being scared. I hate it when the victims do really stupid things to get themselves killed. It is really annoying. Is this list good enough? I am much better at movies I like than I am with movies I don't like.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

I should have put "Water Boy" as one of the movies I won't watch again...stupid...and I hate the way he does his voice in it. I didn't mind "Mr. Deeds"; I laughed at the appropriate times. As for stupid victims - we watched "I Know What You Did Last Summer" and I lost track of how many times I said to Husband 'She shouldn't go in there; you just know something bad's going to happen'.

Lola said...

I'll come work with you....for you!? You probably laugh more than my present boss. Was that out loud? Isn't it amazing how you can think things and they appear on the computer screen...just like that!

Anonymous said...

I too would like to apply for the executive assistant position that you have an opening for at your head office. Just a few questions before I get started.
1. Would it be possible to wear a Uniform - you know something so we would match each other and have the company logo / name on them.
2. I would want to have morning pep talks before we begin. This could involve calisthenics, a company cheer and what the heck, a light breakfast provided by the boss.
3. Afternoon progress update meetings every day with all office staff (I suppose for now this would be just the two of us) We would discuss what we are working on and generally provide helpful tips and words of encouragement to each other. This would be preceeded by a lunch which we would expense.
4. Horizontal half hour / power naps would be taken at whim (minimum of 2 per day)
5. I would request that we work in the same room so that communication can flow constantly. This would partially eliminate the need to instant message each other and reduce intra company phone calls / emails / and general hollering through walls.

To summarize, I look forward to working on your Team and am available to start immediately.

PS. Sorry LRV, but I believe my above application just eliminated any chance you had at getting this position.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Um ??? Did you skip over the part where I said I don't work well with others? AB, I think you've been in the corporate world too long...we can't expense things out at whim. Company cheer? My company cheer consists of 'Bring Me Coffee'! But thanks for the laugh...

Anonymous said...

Actually, AB may come in handy for you. He is pretty good at bringing me coffee. He doesn't drink or make coffee but he does know how to bring it to you. Maybe that will give him an advantage over the other candidates.