So you've probably been dying to hear about our mini-weekend! Well, since most of yous heard about it last night, I'll tell you. We went to the Science Centre as did every other person with a school-aged child within a 300 miles radius. We waited for 45 minutes in line just to buy tickets, and then another 5 minutes or so to actually get in to see everything. But the boys had a great time. We went and saw the Grossology Exhibit and learned all about flies and tapeworms and various other types of animal dung. Did you know that a fly vomits on its food before it sucks it up? It can't digest it's food and therefore the vomit breaks it down for the fly. Who studies this kind of stuff??? Can you believe the exhibit wasn't gross enough for the boys? Is this a boy thing or is it because they're my offspring? Don't answer that, I don't want to know. Unless it's a boy thing.
So yesterday was Husband's birthday and his parents threw him a surprise birthday party...where my other two readers happened to show up and hear about our mini-weekend away.

Husband hates to be the centre of attention and wasn't too happy that there was a party for him. We had told him that it was just an employee corn roast because it was Labour Day, otherwise he wouldn't have shown up. Most of our neighbours were there as well. The neighbours we like anyway. Two neighbours were not invited - one we haven't really met yet; they've recently moved in...recently like a year ago or so, and the other neighbour is just plain odd. I think the rest had a fun. There was a lot of laughter. Good times. Good times.

I thought I'd include this picture of Husband and me:

So I hope your Tuesday is as Terrific as mine is.
The boys all look spiffy for their first day of school (Wednesday is the first day here), happy birthday to DH and you look GREAT!!
Sounds like someone is happy the boys are back to school, or was i mistaken??? lol. Sounds like a great party you had there too, hopefully your husband ended up enjoying him self in the end!! Your two boys with glasses look a lot like you, not just cause of the glasses, and the other looks like your husband. They must keep you on your toes, your youngest looks like he likes to cause mischif then turn on the cute face :) I love your highlites as well, they really stand out in that pic. Ok, enough babbling, glad the weekend went well :)
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