And this picture was taken this morning:

He loves his present:

How bizzarro is it that Britney Spears' kids have the same birthdates that my kids have?
So yesterday CJ came home with no homework. No.Homework. How awesome is that! AND, he's determined to get all his work done in school again today so that he can enjoy his birthday this evening. Yay!!! His teacher and I are so happy!!!
Thus today concludes our 6-week-long parade of birthdays. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think I'm all caked-out. Bring on Christmas!
Happy Birthday CJ! We were actually in the discovery store last week and we were saying that we thought he would love that store! It had a bug collector with a microphone where you could actually "collect bugs and listen to their coversations with each other". Since we do not have that store in the "great white north" I am still waiting for some ideas on what to buy the two birthday boys. I talked to TJ last week on the phone and he just said SpiderMan anything. You think that would make things easy but it doesn't. And I am having even more trouble with your middle one. I am thinking anything that is gross would be acceptable but again, not as easy as you would think.
My daughter would love that CSI kit too. Or a spy set. As you can tell, she's a real "girly girl!" LOL!
Janet T.
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