This is this morning before school:

We let him open up one of his presents:

I bought cupcakes this morning (like I'm going to make them with a mouse living in my oven - didn't I tell you? The mouse moved to my oven) and bought a cake. Again, the oven thing. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. TJ has requested pizza as our entree for tonight's dinner, and while I'm not a big fan of pizza, I'm a big fan of not cooking. So last night was the Parent-Teacher orientation at the boys' school and directly over TJ's desk in his classroom is a giant gold star hanging from the ceiling. For his birthday. And on his desk was sitting a white top-hat with Happy Birthday written on it. All too cute. I need to remember to take my camera to school when I pick the boys up this afternoon. Would make a great scrapbook layout.
So back to the PTO (the meeting last night at school). Two good reports and one not-so-good report. Oy. I'm not surprised, but school has only been in session for a week and already a teacher is at a loss with what to do with one of my kids. If there are any teachers out there, please offer suggestions. CJ is a middle child who has great difficulty in concentrating. I keep him on a strict diet - no sugar, nothing with preservatives or chemicals - and it does help. But he's having such a hard time getting back into the school thing again. Giving excuses like he doesn't know how to copy things from the blackboard into his notebook, laughing at inappropriate times thus disrupting the rest of the class, not doing his work and having to bring it home as homework just to finish the day's assignments that everyone else did in classtime - he's in Grade 4. Homework is a chore and I get a tension headache every night. And it's things that shouldn't take any time at all like writing out a spelling list, yet CJ can stretch it out over an hour. I don't know. I just don't know. We need to change something, I just don't know what. And neither does his teacher.
So that's today's problem.
How crazy is it that when the gas price drops to 87 cents/litre, people get excited? At least me. I'm a crazily excited person. Or maybe just crazy. Excitedly crazy.
So I'm thinking of changing the boys' names on the blog. I'm thinking Zoomer for AJ, Shaggy for CJ, and I haven't thought of a good one for TJ just yet. Husband will remain Husband. That's all I can think of to blog about for now. I'm sure if I stayed here words would flow from my fingers, but then I'd bore everybody to tears. Okay, I'll stop now. Please pass the kleenex. For the tears. Because we're bored. Yes, it just isn't you. I've bored myself. That's an oxy-moron isn't it - crazily excited but boring. Yes, I'm done. I mean it for real.
I think you should call TJ Tigger. He reminds me of him for some reason. Tell him Happy Birthday from us today. As for your middle child, I am convinced he is one day going to invent something crazy that will make him a multi-millionaire and teachers will be coming to him asking him for advice.
How sweet your little guy is. Look at his proud toothless smile.
I so remember those days when the boys had 'windows' in their smile.
My baby just turned 18. I love their birthdays. I just am a smiling and happy all day.
jaj, I have a boy who drowns in his homework. Yup, the simple things take forever. It's very frustrating knowing that it should be very easy, but it's not.
I don't have a lot of help to offer as we are still struggling with it.
But I would suggest getting his eyes checked if you haven't lately. (Eliminate the copying from the blackboard excuse, at least...)
Has the teacher mentioned any testing of any sort? Our boy's teacher pushed hard for us to get testing done in case our boy could get any extra help from the school.
If your teacher thinks it's worth a shot, try it. (I don't think the schools can force you to accept the extra help, but if you are all at a loss, then this may be a solution.)
Good luck!
Lots of patience to you!
Thanks Roses; he does wear glasses already and I've had his hearing checked. A few years ago I tried to get testing done (this homework thing and dislike of school is not a new phenomenon with him); his teacher at the time said he needed to work harder and needed more discipline at home. I took him to our doctor who gave me a referral of a 'specialist' who didn't listen to my concerns and suggested we try him on ritalin. I said no thanks - he's not ADD - I think he has a form of dyslexia. My kids go to a private Christian school so we don't have the same resources available to us as the public schools least I don't know how to go about getting them. When TJ was in speech therapy, I talked with his therapist about CJ and she said he would have to be 'labeled' to get help...I didn't care as long as he was able to get help, but then it was near the end of the school year and the next year he would be getting a different teacher...things were better the next year but he still has problems. But today he worked better in class and only had spelling to do for homework. It's nice to know I'm not alone.
Jaj, you think 88 cents for gas was exciting? i saw 77.9 last night, k, i didn't need gas of course, but i was almost jumping up and down, while driving, by myself, at night, looking like a complete fool and thinking i'm the only one excited about dropping gas prices. Thanx for letting me know i'm not. Happy birthday to your son, hope he had a good one :) I also hope your other son gets better with school, it isn't always easy i'm sure, but hopefully the teacher will stick with helping him out here and there :) good luck!!
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