This first picture is taken from the grain elevators, looking at the back of the house before we tore down the old office and rebuilt the new one:

This is a picture of what our house looked like last year around November with the new office added on:

An aerial view that Zoomer took when he had his airplane ride:

Lots of space to play in the winter:

Doesn't it look cold?! I'm not really looking forward to winter; I'm more of a beach girl:

I just finished eating a Skinny Cow. Have you tried them yet? You've go to! They are unbelievably good. It's my treat for doing homework all day. Husband helped. With homework, not with eating the Skinny Cow. We are trying to get the boys ahead in their school work so when they miss school next week, we won't have to take their work with us and they won't have a bunch of stuff to catch up on. Good in theory and it actually went better than I was expecting. We'll be doing more of the same tomorrow, as well as the laundry that I didn't get to today.
So thanks for stopping by my yard. Next time, stay longer!
Your home and space is lovely! Where do you live in the Great White North? We are in Toronto (near there, anyway).
Thank you so much for your very kind comment on my blog the other day!
We live about 15-20 minutes from Lake Erie. We love Toronto!
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