Thursday, September 28, 2006

They're Off

To school that is. The Boys. Husband was good enough to take them in for me. It's nice to sit in the quiet for a few minutes with my coffee and computer. The boys were extra tired this morning from AWANA last night and us galavanting the night before, but at least we only had one bloody nose. That's good...right?

Tigger has this thing where he's giving Husband and I points for being nice to him. I don't even remember how it all started but it's quite comical:

Me: Tigger, here's your coat.

Tigger: Oooo, thanks Mom! You're in the lead by 1 point.

Husband: Tigger, if you don't put me in the lead, I won't let you come to Florida next week.

Tigger: Oh, okay, Dad. You're in the lead by 100 points.

Me: Tigger, if you put me in the lead I'll pack you in my suitcase and you can still come to Florida!

Tigger: Oh, great Mom! You're in the lead by 500 points.

Quite intriguing, isn't it. So this morning I'm getting Tigger dressed and he was being smart-allecky, so I said to him, Do you need an early bed tonight? And Tigger said to me, I think you just lost points Mom. What a kid.

1 comment:

J said...

ROFL, kids are just so fun and funny!
