On Saturday we are supposed to go to London for a reunion of sorts of low birthweight babies that were born the year TJ was. Here are some pictures of TJ in the NICU. He was 4 weeks old already and weiged 680 grams (1.5 lbs). His birthweight was 734 grams (1 pound 10 ounces); his lowest weight was 500 grams, so it took him a little while to start to gain his weight back. He still is a skinny kid, topping the scales at 35 pounds on a good day. I have mixed emotions about going. We won't know anybody except the nurses, and even those we have trouble rememering, except of course TJ's primary nurse. I really hope she'll be there. In the NICU we weren't allowed to look at anybody else's baby for privacy reasons and we didn't have time to meet any other parents because we were busy visiting with our own baby. Actually TJ was the smallest baby they had there in quite awhile. It was just a very lonely time. So part of me doesn't want to go, and a part of me does want to go to show TJ off. He's done amazingly well and I think it would be an encouragement for the staff to see him now. I just need to find his glasses before Saturday!

Wow - I call that a miracle!
He certainly is =)
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