Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Good Tuesday Morning
Hello my friends. Not too much happening here in Jaj-ville today. Our morning went unusually smooth - too smooth - maybe because it's Halloween. I have to finish the boys' costumes for the party tonight but first I'm going to see a surgeon about getting some moles surged. And hopefully he'll be able to do it in his office today. Although one is pretty close to my eye, so I don't know about that one. But wouldn't it be funny if I showed up for the party tonight with stitches on my face and a black eye? Funnier if it was someone else, but still funny. Husband is flying home tonight. I was joking with him that since was flying home on Halloween, his costume could be a smile. He didn't find the humor in that...anyway, I've got stuff to do. Have a good one.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Monday Morning Mayhem
You know how when you try to have everything organized for something the night before and you have all your plans layed out as to how things will go, a monkey throws a wrench and screws everything up? That was my morning. I thought I had everything ready. I thought I was prepared. I was wrong.
Husband is in Montreal on a business trip. You remember last March when he went to Germany & Denmark and when he came home I made him promise never to leave me again and he said - I'd like to promise that - promise shmomise. Cuz he ain't here. So until Wednesday morning it's just me holding down the fort.
I was awakened this morning at the ungodly hour of I don't know what because my eyes were glued shut so I couldn't look at the clock. But it was early. The phone was ringing. I didn't answer it. I figured it was the barn alarm for the feeding system which starts at 5:30 am. And once you wake up in the early morning you never really do go back to sleep. The phone rang two more times, I'm guess at half-hour intervals, so when I was finally able to pry my eyes open it was 6:30. And my alarm was set to ring at 6:45. So the phone rang a few more times and I decided that maybe it was Husband calling to see if I was up. He always usually brings me coffee in bed each morning and he was worried how I would get my coffee. He invisioned me lying helpless in bed, weakly calling out Help - I need coffee! Nice guy, isn't he. But in my evening preparations I had everything ready last night and all I had to do was turn the coffee-maker on. So I answered the phone when it rang just before 7 and it was the se-men delivery guy. Apparently nobody, and when I say nobody, I'm guessing E!, could find the se-men that he dropped off this morning. Yes, we get se-men delivered to the farm and we even have a handy-dandy se-men fridge to store it in at just the right temperature. Because it is delicate. And I'm trying to tell you all this without sounding dirty and giggling, but it just isn't happening. The se-men is for the pigs if you must know. And it gets delivered 3x a week. So the delivery guy called me this morning because nobody could find where he put it. Right, I mentioned that already. He put it where he always puts it, except this morning Husband wasn't around to take it down to the barn. So I took it. In my jammies. To the barn. Se-men. Pre-coffee, I might add. The boys were up and watching Star Wars Episode 2 (Thanks AB & JB) and I instructed them to have breakfast while I was gone, which they did, actually.
So that put me 20 minutes behind schedule. And then Shaggy tells me that he wasn't finished his homework. I told him he was because I checked it. He said he wasn't. So I re-checked it and he only wrote out his spelling list 1 1/2 times instead of 3 times. I thought for sure I saw 3 complete lists. Slacker mom I am. That just sounded like Master Yoda. Thanks again AB & JB. I'm supposed to check over each of Shaggy's spelling words to make sure they're all spelled correctly and written out neatly. Didn't happen this weekend. So I told Shaggy he had time to finish his list and as he's writing it out, his nose started to bleed. He gets nose bleeds fairly regularly in the winter and they gush and bleed for about 5-10 minutes. This morning was no different. And he had his nose pinched too tightly so the blood was coming out of his eye. He was doing it on purpose because he thought it was cool. I was disgusted. So the nose stopped bleeding and the spelling list got finished and he got ready for school.
Zoomer informed me that he had no clothes to wear. Ten minutes before our scheduled departure. I told him there were 4 pairs of pants and 3 shirts in his closet. He said they didn't fit. I told him to put on the pair of pants that we just bought at the beginning of the school year. He did. They don't fit. The zipper broke and I had to cut the zipper with scissors because a knife is too dangerous so he could get them off. The nerve of him growing like that. So I had him bring up the rest of his pants that don't fit. Then Shaggy came and said he couldn't do up his pants either, so I gave him a pair that Zoomer had just given me and they fit Shaggy perfectly. Again with the growing.
So that brings me to now. I need another coffee, but I think I'll be able to make it through the day. Even with Husband in Montreal. I should have asked for chocolate.
Husband is in Montreal on a business trip. You remember last March when he went to Germany & Denmark and when he came home I made him promise never to leave me again and he said - I'd like to promise that - promise shmomise. Cuz he ain't here. So until Wednesday morning it's just me holding down the fort.
I was awakened this morning at the ungodly hour of I don't know what because my eyes were glued shut so I couldn't look at the clock. But it was early. The phone was ringing. I didn't answer it. I figured it was the barn alarm for the feeding system which starts at 5:30 am. And once you wake up in the early morning you never really do go back to sleep. The phone rang two more times, I'm guess at half-hour intervals, so when I was finally able to pry my eyes open it was 6:30. And my alarm was set to ring at 6:45. So the phone rang a few more times and I decided that maybe it was Husband calling to see if I was up. He always usually brings me coffee in bed each morning and he was worried how I would get my coffee. He invisioned me lying helpless in bed, weakly calling out Help - I need coffee! Nice guy, isn't he. But in my evening preparations I had everything ready last night and all I had to do was turn the coffee-maker on. So I answered the phone when it rang just before 7 and it was the se-men delivery guy. Apparently nobody, and when I say nobody, I'm guessing E!, could find the se-men that he dropped off this morning. Yes, we get se-men delivered to the farm and we even have a handy-dandy se-men fridge to store it in at just the right temperature. Because it is delicate. And I'm trying to tell you all this without sounding dirty and giggling, but it just isn't happening. The se-men is for the pigs if you must know. And it gets delivered 3x a week. So the delivery guy called me this morning because nobody could find where he put it. Right, I mentioned that already. He put it where he always puts it, except this morning Husband wasn't around to take it down to the barn. So I took it. In my jammies. To the barn. Se-men. Pre-coffee, I might add. The boys were up and watching Star Wars Episode 2 (Thanks AB & JB) and I instructed them to have breakfast while I was gone, which they did, actually.
So that put me 20 minutes behind schedule. And then Shaggy tells me that he wasn't finished his homework. I told him he was because I checked it. He said he wasn't. So I re-checked it and he only wrote out his spelling list 1 1/2 times instead of 3 times. I thought for sure I saw 3 complete lists. Slacker mom I am. That just sounded like Master Yoda. Thanks again AB & JB. I'm supposed to check over each of Shaggy's spelling words to make sure they're all spelled correctly and written out neatly. Didn't happen this weekend. So I told Shaggy he had time to finish his list and as he's writing it out, his nose started to bleed. He gets nose bleeds fairly regularly in the winter and they gush and bleed for about 5-10 minutes. This morning was no different. And he had his nose pinched too tightly so the blood was coming out of his eye. He was doing it on purpose because he thought it was cool. I was disgusted. So the nose stopped bleeding and the spelling list got finished and he got ready for school.
Zoomer informed me that he had no clothes to wear. Ten minutes before our scheduled departure. I told him there were 4 pairs of pants and 3 shirts in his closet. He said they didn't fit. I told him to put on the pair of pants that we just bought at the beginning of the school year. He did. They don't fit. The zipper broke and I had to cut the zipper with scissors because a knife is too dangerous so he could get them off. The nerve of him growing like that. So I had him bring up the rest of his pants that don't fit. Then Shaggy came and said he couldn't do up his pants either, so I gave him a pair that Zoomer had just given me and they fit Shaggy perfectly. Again with the growing.
So that brings me to now. I need another coffee, but I think I'll be able to make it through the day. Even with Husband in Montreal. I should have asked for chocolate.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Saturday Morning Time Waster
Here's a great time-waster for a rainy Saturday morning. And I must apologize to whomever it was whose blog I saw this on - I can't remember where I saw it and I'd like to give you the credit and I've been searching and searching....but on with the game!
Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt
Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt
Friday, October 27, 2006
Should I Be Offended?
My kids apparently don't like my cooking. The other day Zoomer asked what was for supper, so I told him spaghetti. He was happy about that, but then made little ballets for everybody to fill out - What spaghetti do you want - check one - Mom's Spaghetti or Style's Spaghetti. Style's is a little diner down the road and their food is crap. Pretty much. And overpriced. So of course all the boys checked the box beside Styles spaghetti, and I gave in. Because you all know how fond I am of cooking. And I justified it by getting a ceasar salad and healthifying our entree a wee bit.
Wednesday night we had fish. Except the fish I bought was disgusting. Buffalo style fish sticks. With a strong fish flavour (I hate fish) and a burning bar-be-que flavour. Shaggy refused to eat it and he eats everything, that's how bad it was. So we filled up on potatoes and ice cream. And I wonder why my jeans are tight...
So last night I thought we'd have sausage for supper (again with the healthy) but I remembered there was some ground chicken in the fridge that I was going to put into the spaghetti sauce that never got made because we ordered out from Style's instead. If you were paying attention I wouldn't have had to type all that out and you wouldn't be sitting there muttering just get on with it! I'm just saying. So I was looking in the cookbook and came up with a casserole concoction similar to one in the cookbook but with the ingredients I had on hand: frozen broccoli on the bottom, browned ground chicken (instead of strips of cooked chicken), cream of mushroom soup (instead of cream of chicken) mixed with mayonnaise, onion and a pinch of cumin (just a pinch because I'm not a big fan of cumin) topped with cheese and bread crumbs mixed with melted butter. Tigger said it smelled like toast. Zoomer and Shaggy said it looked gross. And everybody was picking. So my feelings were a bit hurt and I lectured them about being thankful and just eating supper without complaining...as Tigger gagged on an onion. And then Shaggy said he liked it - It actually tastes good, Mom! When Husband came home he loved it.
I'm just glad today is Friday. Things always seem better on Fridays, don't they? AND, it's my self-proclaimed night off from cooking.
Wednesday night we had fish. Except the fish I bought was disgusting. Buffalo style fish sticks. With a strong fish flavour (I hate fish) and a burning bar-be-que flavour. Shaggy refused to eat it and he eats everything, that's how bad it was. So we filled up on potatoes and ice cream. And I wonder why my jeans are tight...
So last night I thought we'd have sausage for supper (again with the healthy) but I remembered there was some ground chicken in the fridge that I was going to put into the spaghetti sauce that never got made because we ordered out from Style's instead. If you were paying attention I wouldn't have had to type all that out and you wouldn't be sitting there muttering just get on with it! I'm just saying. So I was looking in the cookbook and came up with a casserole concoction similar to one in the cookbook but with the ingredients I had on hand: frozen broccoli on the bottom, browned ground chicken (instead of strips of cooked chicken), cream of mushroom soup (instead of cream of chicken) mixed with mayonnaise, onion and a pinch of cumin (just a pinch because I'm not a big fan of cumin) topped with cheese and bread crumbs mixed with melted butter. Tigger said it smelled like toast. Zoomer and Shaggy said it looked gross. And everybody was picking. So my feelings were a bit hurt and I lectured them about being thankful and just eating supper without complaining...as Tigger gagged on an onion. And then Shaggy said he liked it - It actually tastes good, Mom! When Husband came home he loved it.
I'm just glad today is Friday. Things always seem better on Fridays, don't they? AND, it's my self-proclaimed night off from cooking.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
A Potpourri of Thoughts
Last night the boys and I were driving to AWANA, and Tigger was telling me what section he was working on - the books of the Old Testament. But he was having trouble remembering the last few books. And then he said, I'm just like Spiderman losing his powers because I can't remember. Yup. I'm just like Spiderman.
Words of Wisdom from Tigger: Make sure you dress warm, Mom, because if you're warm, you'll never be cold again.
Yesterday when the mail arrived, there was an envelope addressed to us and inside was a blank envelope with a stamp. Inside the blank envelope was a cheque and a note from the post office saying we forgot to address the envelope and they were returning it to us...but at least I remembered the stamp!
Nobody has quit yet today. So that's good.
We have an algae-eater fish in the aquarium now. He's fascinating to watch. Really.
All week I've been thinking each day was Wednesay or Thursday when it was only Monday or Tuesday. And now that it's Thursday, I keep thinking it's only Tuesday.
Husband is supposed to be going to Montreal next week for a few days of meetings...except without employees he's not sure he can make it. We're still hoping to hear from the guy who was fired and then unfired when we found out his mother died, so if he starts next week, I'm sure Husband will be going. But I can't go. And I can't sleep if Husband isn't with me so it should be some interesting times.
So that's about it for now.
Words of Wisdom from Tigger: Make sure you dress warm, Mom, because if you're warm, you'll never be cold again.
Yesterday when the mail arrived, there was an envelope addressed to us and inside was a blank envelope with a stamp. Inside the blank envelope was a cheque and a note from the post office saying we forgot to address the envelope and they were returning it to us...but at least I remembered the stamp!
Nobody has quit yet today. So that's good.
We have an algae-eater fish in the aquarium now. He's fascinating to watch. Really.
All week I've been thinking each day was Wednesay or Thursday when it was only Monday or Tuesday. And now that it's Thursday, I keep thinking it's only Tuesday.
Husband is supposed to be going to Montreal next week for a few days of meetings...except without employees he's not sure he can make it. We're still hoping to hear from the guy who was fired and then unfired when we found out his mother died, so if he starts next week, I'm sure Husband will be going. But I can't go. And I can't sleep if Husband isn't with me so it should be some interesting times.
So that's about it for now.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Let's Laugh
We all need a laugh today, so let's laugh at Mildred, shall we?
Mildred was a 93-year-old woman and despondent over the recent death of her husband, Earl. She took out Earl's old army pistol and made the decision to shoot herself in the heart, since it was so badly broken in the first place. Not wanting to miss the vital organ and become a vegetable and burden to someone, she called her doctor's office to inquire exactly where the heart is on a woman. The doctor said, "Your heart is just below your left breast." Later that night Mildred was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her knee.
Mildred was a 93-year-old woman and despondent over the recent death of her husband, Earl. She took out Earl's old army pistol and made the decision to shoot herself in the heart, since it was so badly broken in the first place. Not wanting to miss the vital organ and become a vegetable and burden to someone, she called her doctor's office to inquire exactly where the heart is on a woman. The doctor said, "Your heart is just below your left breast." Later that night Mildred was admitted to the hospital with a gunshot wound to her knee.
Are You Ready For This?
So the last few days of blogging have been mostly about our tale of woe with hiring people. And remember yesterday we thought we had hired a new guy? Nicknamed The New Guy? Well, he called last night, Husband wasn't home so I took the message:
New Guy: Yah, this is the New Guy, I'm supposed to start working for you tomorrow morning but I've talked it over with my wife and I won't be able to make it due to the hours.
So now we don't know if it's just today or the whole job he can't make. And Husband has been calling him and leaving messages and he's not answering nor returning the messages, so now I'm thinking he's not taking the job after all. Perceptive I am. Oh and the New Guy wears 3xxx size coveralls which Husband bought yesterday for him...
So let's not talk about the barn anymore; it's too depressing.
Yesterday I went shopping at the Village of Value. Bought some pants and shirts for the boys and the cutest little jumper for Thumbelina - denim top with leapoard print skirt. Too too cute. And I bought a jacket and skirt for myself because on Saturday is our annual Mystery Dinner at church and I'm one the characters. The theme this year is Egyptian and everyone is encouraged to dress accordingly. However, my character is a reporter so I'm going to try to dress reporter-ish and not Egyptian. I might carry a rubber snake or something. And Husband is beyond excited about dressing up. Yes, that was sarcasm. So my 'costume' will be a skirt, jacket (both navy), white blouse and one of Husband's ties - very business-like is the look I'm after - whaddaya think?
In exciting news, Rod & Mary Mia are now a family of four! Go check out their two little sweeties. I must have gone to their website a dozen times yesterday checking for updates and pictures. Soon 'twill be our turn. Soon.
New Guy: Yah, this is the New Guy, I'm supposed to start working for you tomorrow morning but I've talked it over with my wife and I won't be able to make it due to the hours.
So now we don't know if it's just today or the whole job he can't make. And Husband has been calling him and leaving messages and he's not answering nor returning the messages, so now I'm thinking he's not taking the job after all. Perceptive I am. Oh and the New Guy wears 3xxx size coveralls which Husband bought yesterday for him...
So let's not talk about the barn anymore; it's too depressing.
Yesterday I went shopping at the Village of Value. Bought some pants and shirts for the boys and the cutest little jumper for Thumbelina - denim top with leapoard print skirt. Too too cute. And I bought a jacket and skirt for myself because on Saturday is our annual Mystery Dinner at church and I'm one the characters. The theme this year is Egyptian and everyone is encouraged to dress accordingly. However, my character is a reporter so I'm going to try to dress reporter-ish and not Egyptian. I might carry a rubber snake or something. And Husband is beyond excited about dressing up. Yes, that was sarcasm. So my 'costume' will be a skirt, jacket (both navy), white blouse and one of Husband's ties - very business-like is the look I'm after - whaddaya think?
In exciting news, Rod & Mary Mia are now a family of four! Go check out their two little sweeties. I must have gone to their website a dozen times yesterday checking for updates and pictures. Soon 'twill be our turn. Soon.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
You've Got to Be Kidding Me
So Husband called that guy's cell phone one last time yesterday afternoon to see if he would answer and give an explanation as to why he didn't show up for his first day of work. A woman answered and said that the guy got a phone call in the middle of the night that his mother had died and he had to drive to Peterborough. She was supposed to have called Husband to explain, but the guy didn't leave her our number nor Husband's full name so she didn't call. I asked Husband how come she didn't answer the other times he called but he didn't know. What are the odds that two people now have a death (or imminent death) in the family right exactly on the day they're supposed to start working for us?? So now that other guy probably isn't fired after all.
But Husband still is in need of help so he's been going through the resumes. The next guy on the list starts tomorrow. It was funny when he returned Husband's call yesterday, the New Guy said to me So where is this for? I sent out a bunch of resumes and I don't know who you are. And when I told him, he got very excited and really wanted to talk to Husband. Turns out this guy even has experience working with pigs. Wow. I'm just blown away. (I'm honestly not trying to sound sarcastic). The New Guy's wife works nights so Husband has promised him he'll pick him up tomorrow morning but after that he needs to work out his own transportation arrangements. And it also ensures that he shows up if Husband is picking him up. Unless of course he has a death in the family too....
And there's one guy who is most likely on his way out. He might even be fired today. He made Lola's boss really really really really mad. But I don't know what happened. But this particular fellow already has two violations against him. And he has a hard time following instructions - he likes to do things his own way...and obviously he isn't getting along with his supervisor. I tell you, having this many employees is turning into a soap opera. As the Stomach Turns.
One last things and then I'll let you go. Last night I was extremely crabby. Like PMS-crabby-people-calling-me-nasty-names-behind-my-back-crabby. So Husband had to go to town and he said he'd bring me back some chocolate. Just before he left I told him I didn't need it, I was feeling better. He looked at me with big, serious eyes and said, Oh yes you do. My poor family. So you should all give your co-workers a big hug and be thankful that you don't have to work with me. Oh, and buy each other a chocolate bar.
But Husband still is in need of help so he's been going through the resumes. The next guy on the list starts tomorrow. It was funny when he returned Husband's call yesterday, the New Guy said to me So where is this for? I sent out a bunch of resumes and I don't know who you are. And when I told him, he got very excited and really wanted to talk to Husband. Turns out this guy even has experience working with pigs. Wow. I'm just blown away. (I'm honestly not trying to sound sarcastic). The New Guy's wife works nights so Husband has promised him he'll pick him up tomorrow morning but after that he needs to work out his own transportation arrangements. And it also ensures that he shows up if Husband is picking him up. Unless of course he has a death in the family too....
And there's one guy who is most likely on his way out. He might even be fired today. He made Lola's boss really really really really mad. But I don't know what happened. But this particular fellow already has two violations against him. And he has a hard time following instructions - he likes to do things his own way...and obviously he isn't getting along with his supervisor. I tell you, having this many employees is turning into a soap opera. As the Stomach Turns.
One last things and then I'll let you go. Last night I was extremely crabby. Like PMS-crabby-people-calling-me-nasty-names-behind-my-back-crabby. So Husband had to go to town and he said he'd bring me back some chocolate. Just before he left I told him I didn't need it, I was feeling better. He looked at me with big, serious eyes and said, Oh yes you do. My poor family. So you should all give your co-workers a big hug and be thankful that you don't have to work with me. Oh, and buy each other a chocolate bar.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Can Today Be a Do-Over Day?
When my alarm went off this morning, I was in the middle of a dream. Not a very nice dream (my brother was after me because somebody got their arm cut off during a fight with Husband - much like a Stars Wars fight, so we were in hiding - at a campground on the beach of all places, thought for sure that would be the last place he'd look for me but I was wrong because there were overturned lawn chairs (the horror) - so we went to a corner grocery store to get groceries and Brother had sent some thug nicknamed 'Boy' to find us, we knew he was in the parking lot waiting for us so I was going to go out the back entrance and meet up with the rest of the family somewhere else, but 'Boy' walked past me as I was paying for the groceries and went out the back of the store, so I was stressed because I was trying to figure out what to do...and I remember earlier something about a board meeting with a bunch of accountants that started the whole fight scene). So I didn't want to wake up just then, I wanted to continue dreaming but change it somehow into a nice dream and then I wouldn't have this unsettledness about me. Don't laugh - Steve from Blues Clues said that if you have a bad dream, just change it into a nice dream. But there was no time for me to do this. Guess what I watched with the boys yesterday - Star Wars III - so that explains the fight part. Anybody else think that Master Yoda sounds like Grover from Sesame Street? And Wookies??? Seriously??? I tell you if I was an actor in that movie, they'd fire me for giggling over silly names like Wookies.
So that's how my morning started. Husband's started much worse. He hired a new guy on Saturday to start work this morning at 6:45 am. Except it is now 11:23 am and the guy hasn't shown up yet and isn't answering his phone and actually now has turned his cell phone off. He's fired, obviously, but if he didn't want the job, he should have called us and told us, rather than have people counting on him to be there and then not show up. And this guy called 3 times last week to make sure we got his resume and he even stopped by the house at the pig farm. I just don't understand people like him. Really the only excuse is is if he's in the hospital somewhere. And now that has added to Husband's stress multi-fold because we're short-staffed at the pig barn and at the home farm and he has things to do at church that needed to be done a month ago and aren't finished yet because he has had no time. And nobody is interested in helping him.
But the good new is the boys were relatively cooperative this morning. And my curling iron isn't broken after all, even though I've already replaced it. Somehow the outlets had turned off in that bathroom and I just had to press that button thingy to get power back to them. I figured that out when my blow-dryer wouldn't work. But my new curling iron has a purple barrel and that makes me feel good. So...on with the day.
So that's how my morning started. Husband's started much worse. He hired a new guy on Saturday to start work this morning at 6:45 am. Except it is now 11:23 am and the guy hasn't shown up yet and isn't answering his phone and actually now has turned his cell phone off. He's fired, obviously, but if he didn't want the job, he should have called us and told us, rather than have people counting on him to be there and then not show up. And this guy called 3 times last week to make sure we got his resume and he even stopped by the house at the pig farm. I just don't understand people like him. Really the only excuse is is if he's in the hospital somewhere. And now that has added to Husband's stress multi-fold because we're short-staffed at the pig barn and at the home farm and he has things to do at church that needed to be done a month ago and aren't finished yet because he has had no time. And nobody is interested in helping him.
But the good new is the boys were relatively cooperative this morning. And my curling iron isn't broken after all, even though I've already replaced it. Somehow the outlets had turned off in that bathroom and I just had to press that button thingy to get power back to them. I figured that out when my blow-dryer wouldn't work. But my new curling iron has a purple barrel and that makes me feel good. So...on with the day.
Friday, October 20, 2006
I yelled at someone else's kid today. And he yelled back at me. When I got to school this afternoon to pick up the boys, there was a fire truck there, lights flashing, with the ladder way up in the air. My heart stopped. And then when I didn't see an ambulance or smoke, I realized it must be fire-prevention day. Whew. So my adrenalin was already pumping when I saw this 13-year-old push Shaggy to the ground. And the Mother Bear in me came out. I yelled at him:
Me: Hey! Don't ever push him again!
Kid: Well, what am I supposed to do!
Me: Help him up and apologize!
Kid: Well he's yelling right in my face!
Me: So come talk to me about it, don't push him down. (I was starting to calm down a bit by this time)
Kid: Whatever! (and he walked away)
And then I started feeling bad. Reeming out this kid who is a middle child, and obviously going through hormone-induced, teen-age angst. But he shouldn't have pushed a 9-year-old down. And now I'm worried that this same kid will take it out on Zoomer tonight at gym night. Last week this kid was kicked out of gym night because he thought Zoomer tripped him. So this kid got mad, threw a broom and kicked over some pylons. So his dad was called to come and get him and take him home. The more I think about it, the more I think I should call this kid up and apologize for yelling at him. I'm the adult (most of the time) and I should set the example.
Update: So I called the kid and apologized. He said it was okay and thanked me. Husband asked me if he apologized as well. He didn't. I didn't expect him too, and I'm not the type of person to apologize and then say but you shouldn't have done blah blah blah... irritates the heck out of me. And then Husband laughed and said, No, you don't say that, you just call him a little twirp as you're apologizing. I didn't think that was very nice. Because in this case, I actually wasn't thinking that.
Me: Hey! Don't ever push him again!
Kid: Well, what am I supposed to do!
Me: Help him up and apologize!
Kid: Well he's yelling right in my face!
Me: So come talk to me about it, don't push him down. (I was starting to calm down a bit by this time)
Kid: Whatever! (and he walked away)
And then I started feeling bad. Reeming out this kid who is a middle child, and obviously going through hormone-induced, teen-age angst. But he shouldn't have pushed a 9-year-old down. And now I'm worried that this same kid will take it out on Zoomer tonight at gym night. Last week this kid was kicked out of gym night because he thought Zoomer tripped him. So this kid got mad, threw a broom and kicked over some pylons. So his dad was called to come and get him and take him home. The more I think about it, the more I think I should call this kid up and apologize for yelling at him. I'm the adult (most of the time) and I should set the example.
Update: So I called the kid and apologized. He said it was okay and thanked me. Husband asked me if he apologized as well. He didn't. I didn't expect him too, and I'm not the type of person to apologize and then say but you shouldn't have done blah blah blah... irritates the heck out of me. And then Husband laughed and said, No, you don't say that, you just call him a little twirp as you're apologizing. I didn't think that was very nice. Because in this case, I actually wasn't thinking that.
Shoes and Excess
We have an overabundance of shoes here in Jaj-ville. They seem to multiply like rabbits. Too many shoes. But Molly is doing her part in helping to control the shoe population. Which isn't always a good thing. She chewed a pair of Tigger's shoes...she seems to like his the best...so I had to buy him a new pair. And then a note was sent home on Monday telling me that Tigger's shoes are leaving marks on the gym floor. So I had to buy him another new pair. And even though there was a sticker on the bottom of each shoe saying they were non-marking shoes, they still left marks. Which means if it's raining out, like it is today and yesterday and has been for most of the past month, he can't participate in indoor recess or gym class since they use the gym...and his shoes leave marks. I could take them back to the store and get a refund, but they light up. And if I did take them back, it would break his heart. So yesterday I found a pair with completely white soles, and they were on sale. So I bought them. And I showed them to Tigger this morning, and surprisingly they light up too. Except they have 2 little hearts on each side. I didn't mean to buy girly shoes - they look like boy shoes, and the lights flashing are red and ugly green and you can really only tell that they actually have hearts if you're looking at them closely. But still. He loves them. So now, for my 7 year-old child we have a pair of sandals - new from Florida because Molly chewed his old ones, church shoes, spiderman shoes which were his indoor shoes but we can't use them anymore because of the marks (his classroom is carpeted so all the kids need indoor and outdoor shoes), brown outdoor shoes which are fairly new because Molly again chewed his old ones, the new Cars light-up shoe which we can't use as indoor shoes but Tigger loves them and is now wearing them as his outdoor shoes, and the new girly indoor shoes. Oh, and spiderman winter boots. A little excessive.
But you think the shoe thing is excessive? Husband is now sporting 3 cell phones. Count 'em - Three. He has his old one, which a lot of people know the number, but it broke and now only works on speaker phone, the new one he's trying out but has lousy signal and if you leave a message on that phone, it's at least 45 minutes before he even knows he has a message, so he's pretty sure he won't be buying it, and the most recent new one from Chickie-Poo from a competetor company. And he wears them all on his belt. One guy noticed them and said My Gawd man, you only have 2 ears! And you know the really sad thing? He's had all three ringing at once as well as someone trying to reach him on the office phone. A little excessive.
So speaking of excess, I need more coffee.
But you think the shoe thing is excessive? Husband is now sporting 3 cell phones. Count 'em - Three. He has his old one, which a lot of people know the number, but it broke and now only works on speaker phone, the new one he's trying out but has lousy signal and if you leave a message on that phone, it's at least 45 minutes before he even knows he has a message, so he's pretty sure he won't be buying it, and the most recent new one from Chickie-Poo from a competetor company. And he wears them all on his belt. One guy noticed them and said My Gawd man, you only have 2 ears! And you know the really sad thing? He's had all three ringing at once as well as someone trying to reach him on the office phone. A little excessive.
So speaking of excess, I need more coffee.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Have you ever had somebody that irritates you but you can't really put your finger on why? There's a sales girl from a phone company that bothers Husband (okay, she just bothers me) and we had the following conversation this morning:
Chickie-Poo: Is Husband there?
Me: I'm sorry, he's busy right now.
Chickie-Poo: This is Chickie-Poo from the phone company. I'm just checking in to see how he's making out with the phones I lent him.
Me: Okay, I'll tell him that you called.
Chickie-Poo: Not a problem! He can reach me on my cell.
First of all, the phrase Not a problem irritates me to no end. After she said it, I was thinking to myself, Well, maybe it is a problem. Maybe I don't want to tell Husband that you called. How do you know it isn't a problem? And yes, I really refer to her as Chickie-Poo. When she first started coming around last summer, I couldn't remember her name, so that's what she was called. And then when she did sit down and have a meeting with Husband, she wore a sundress and fancy sandals. I just didn't think that was very professional attire at all, not that I'm judgemental or anything. So after their meeting, Husband told her that he did want to try out the phones she was representing but we never heard from her again until Husband called her up three months later and asked for them. Again, very unprofessional that she didn't follow up, especially after she knew he was interested. She just bugs me.
But regardless of Chickie-Poo, today is a better day. Even though I have real problems today and not just ordinary crabbiness problems like yesterdary. So my real problems? My curling iron broke. And my hairbrush broke (the handle snapped right off). And I have to go to Tigger's class and help out this morning. So I tried to poof up my bangs the best I could, and I hair-sprayed the life out of them, but it's raining. So I'm not sure what they'll look like by the time I get to his class.
Oh, and you know another phrase that bugs me when it's overused? Like I said. In everyday conversation, if it's not over-used, I don't mind it. My neighbour overuses it. She left me a phone message yesterday and said it three times during her 15 second message. But anyway, like I said, and but anyway usually always preceeds like I said. Just thought I'd share.
Like I said, I'm off to brave the elements. Wish my hair luck! Not a problem, right?
Chickie-Poo: Is Husband there?
Me: I'm sorry, he's busy right now.
Chickie-Poo: This is Chickie-Poo from the phone company. I'm just checking in to see how he's making out with the phones I lent him.
Me: Okay, I'll tell him that you called.
Chickie-Poo: Not a problem! He can reach me on my cell.
First of all, the phrase Not a problem irritates me to no end. After she said it, I was thinking to myself, Well, maybe it is a problem. Maybe I don't want to tell Husband that you called. How do you know it isn't a problem? And yes, I really refer to her as Chickie-Poo. When she first started coming around last summer, I couldn't remember her name, so that's what she was called. And then when she did sit down and have a meeting with Husband, she wore a sundress and fancy sandals. I just didn't think that was very professional attire at all, not that I'm judgemental or anything. So after their meeting, Husband told her that he did want to try out the phones she was representing but we never heard from her again until Husband called her up three months later and asked for them. Again, very unprofessional that she didn't follow up, especially after she knew he was interested. She just bugs me.
But regardless of Chickie-Poo, today is a better day. Even though I have real problems today and not just ordinary crabbiness problems like yesterdary. So my real problems? My curling iron broke. And my hairbrush broke (the handle snapped right off). And I have to go to Tigger's class and help out this morning. So I tried to poof up my bangs the best I could, and I hair-sprayed the life out of them, but it's raining. So I'm not sure what they'll look like by the time I get to his class.
Oh, and you know another phrase that bugs me when it's overused? Like I said. In everyday conversation, if it's not over-used, I don't mind it. My neighbour overuses it. She left me a phone message yesterday and said it three times during her 15 second message. But anyway, like I said, and but anyway usually always preceeds like I said. Just thought I'd share.
Like I said, I'm off to brave the elements. Wish my hair luck! Not a problem, right?
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
How Much Longer 'Til Lunch
I looked at my clock a little bit ago, thinking it must be getting closer to lunch and it was only 10:30. Not that I'm hungry, I just need a break. Which is odd because I rarely break for lunch. It's just one of those days. I'm crabby and I'm trying really hard not to be, and everything is bothering me and I'm trying really hard not to let it. Like this morning, I made lunches for the boys, and it's pizza day. And then I didn't have a second cup of coffee because I was sure that Husband would stop at Tim's and bring me one home, and he didn't. Which meant my second cup of coffee was old tasting. And then later on this morning I had just finished sweeping and washing the office floor and Husband walked through and left dirt clods everywhere. But he did sweep it up without me asking him to. And Husband found out that a guy we thought was going to come work for us isn't. And I want to know NOW what the cut-off date will be when referrals come out this month. It's just too much people. Too much. Oh, and the paper cut I got the other day from the file folder still hurts. A lot.
Okay, I'm going to get happy now. Why, you ask, since I've pulled all of yous down with me into the pit of despair? Because I know what costumes to make the boys for the Harvest Party, and knowing is half the battle. And I'm super-excited about it. Okay, not really. Yesterday I was super-excited, today I'm just excited. Zoomer is too old to take part, but I'm sure the teens will be doing something fun that night. If not, he can help out at the HP. So Shaggy, unbeknownst to him, is going to be the plague of flies. Isn't this the cutest thing you've ever seen? As soon as I saw I knew I had to make it. Tigger said he wanted to be the bush on fire (aka the burning bush), so I'm going to find some old clothes for him, cut holes in spots and burn the edges (carefully so as to not set the whole thing on fire), and pin artifical leaves all over the clothes.
I'm off to make another pot of coffee. That should make me feel better.
Okay, I'm going to get happy now. Why, you ask, since I've pulled all of yous down with me into the pit of despair? Because I know what costumes to make the boys for the Harvest Party, and knowing is half the battle. And I'm super-excited about it. Okay, not really. Yesterday I was super-excited, today I'm just excited. Zoomer is too old to take part, but I'm sure the teens will be doing something fun that night. If not, he can help out at the HP. So Shaggy, unbeknownst to him, is going to be the plague of flies. Isn't this the cutest thing you've ever seen? As soon as I saw I knew I had to make it. Tigger said he wanted to be the bush on fire (aka the burning bush), so I'm going to find some old clothes for him, cut holes in spots and burn the edges (carefully so as to not set the whole thing on fire), and pin artifical leaves all over the clothes.
I'm off to make another pot of coffee. That should make me feel better.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
How'd That Happen?
Our 13 month LID-aversary came and went without me even realizing it. Maybe after a whole year, I'm just living in a fog. I'm just befuddled. Our 13 month anniversary was Friday the 13th, so I really should have clued in and made a special note of it. Anyhoo, since I'm rushed to present you with a 13 of Something List, I would like to present you with 13 Things That Irritate Me. And this is without any thought, so I'm sure once I'm finished I'll think of a whole slew of other things that should have made the list and didn't. And please feel free to leave me your list of what irritates you in the comments. In no particular order:
1. Cream that curdles before the Best Before Date - yes, my second cup of coffee was ruined this morning.
2. People at the grocery store in the 8 items or less aisle that have more than 8 items. I can understand 9, maybe even 10 items, but when you blatently disobey the rules and check out 14 items, that's just wrong. I think you should pay for your first 8 items and then go to the back of the line with the rest of your items and wait your turn.
3. Empty containers in the cupboard and fridge. If I see a container put away, I presume there's something in it.
4. People who give candy to my children as rewards. My children do not need candy. Candy makes them miserable when they're come off their sugar-high, and I'm left to deal with the tantrums. And I don't appreciate them having sugar-free candy because I'd really rather not have to deal with cancer-causing substances in their bodies from the chemicals they use to replace the sugar.
5. People who come to our office and stand just inside the door, with the door open, because they don't want to bring dirt into the office, yet all the flies are coming in. It's a farm people, there are flies. I hate flies.
6. People who trim their fingernails with nail clippers in church. Church is not the place to be giving yourself a manicure.
7. People who don't hold the door open for others. It's just being polite. I don't expect it because I'm a woman, it's just a nice thing to do.
8. Gray hair. On me. Doesn't bother me on others.
9. Telemarketers.
10. Answering machines where you have to talk to them with your request instead of pressing a button. And calling the machine a moron or an idiot gets you nowhere. I've tried, and all I've gotten in response is I don't understand your request spoken in a way too perky voice. And perky people bug me, especially in the morning.
11. Websites that never let you leave.
12. Paper cuts - I got a doozy yesterday from a file folder.
13. Dirty toenails. This just really grosses me out. You have no idea. It makes me want to puke.
And on that happy thought, I can't wait to read your list!
1. Cream that curdles before the Best Before Date - yes, my second cup of coffee was ruined this morning.
2. People at the grocery store in the 8 items or less aisle that have more than 8 items. I can understand 9, maybe even 10 items, but when you blatently disobey the rules and check out 14 items, that's just wrong. I think you should pay for your first 8 items and then go to the back of the line with the rest of your items and wait your turn.
3. Empty containers in the cupboard and fridge. If I see a container put away, I presume there's something in it.
4. People who give candy to my children as rewards. My children do not need candy. Candy makes them miserable when they're come off their sugar-high, and I'm left to deal with the tantrums. And I don't appreciate them having sugar-free candy because I'd really rather not have to deal with cancer-causing substances in their bodies from the chemicals they use to replace the sugar.
5. People who come to our office and stand just inside the door, with the door open, because they don't want to bring dirt into the office, yet all the flies are coming in. It's a farm people, there are flies. I hate flies.
6. People who trim their fingernails with nail clippers in church. Church is not the place to be giving yourself a manicure.
7. People who don't hold the door open for others. It's just being polite. I don't expect it because I'm a woman, it's just a nice thing to do.
8. Gray hair. On me. Doesn't bother me on others.
9. Telemarketers.
10. Answering machines where you have to talk to them with your request instead of pressing a button. And calling the machine a moron or an idiot gets you nowhere. I've tried, and all I've gotten in response is I don't understand your request spoken in a way too perky voice. And perky people bug me, especially in the morning.
11. Websites that never let you leave.
12. Paper cuts - I got a doozy yesterday from a file folder.
13. Dirty toenails. This just really grosses me out. You have no idea. It makes me want to puke.
And on that happy thought, I can't wait to read your list!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Well That Was Fun
Can you feel the sarcasm? Because it's dripping, people, dripping. I just got back from taking Molly to the vets. While we were vacationing in the sunny south, Molly had her girly-bits taken out and she and Buddy boarded at the vets. Today was Take Out the Stitches Day. Oh Joy. Molly is a wonderful dog, she really is, but she is just a bundle of charged energy, going full-force with all her strength. And me? Not so much. So the two of us are in the van on the way to the vets. I always wrap the handle of the leash on the arm of Tigger's car seat with the actual leash behind his chair, which lets Molly sit where she wants to and gives her just enough room so that I can pet her while I'm driving, without her getting under my feet and taking over the driving part. We're almost to the vet's and all of sudden Molly is in the front seat! I'm thinking that I didn't have the leash hooked on properly or it came off of her collar somehow. So when we get to the vets, I notice her leash is dangling - she chewed through it and left me a lovely 6 inch piece to control her by. Dog!!! I managed to keep control of her while getting out of the van, and keep in mind that once we get to the vets all puppy training goes out the window because of the eleventy-hundred million different animal scents on the grass and the sounds of dogs barking inside, so keeping control of her on a normal sized leash with a handle is not an easy feat. So you have that picture in your mind, right? A six-month old black lab, full of energy, raring to go at 90 m/h, with a 6 inch leash dangling, and me...trying to hang on to her collar. We're walking up the path to the front door and Molly sees her reflection in the glass of the door. And barks at it. And lunges towards it. With me barely hanging on. You've seen people running and tripping at the same time, right? When they do the over-sized leg movements as they're trying not to fall? That was me. But my guardian angel kept me from falling (thanks, GA!). Okay, so now we're actually inside the building, and there's this lady sitting there with a horrified look on her face at the sight of us - and Molly of course is doing her deep bark - and this lady turns to protect her poodle from my ferocious beast. Her daughter was with her but was only horrified at first, until she saw Molly was actually nice and didn't try to eat their dog. So once we got into the waiting room, Molly was fine and sat like a good girl. Getting the stitches out was no big deal and Moll was happy to see everybody who works at the vets. And the vet loaned me a leash to get Molly back out to the van. And now I'm exhausted. And it really isn't any easier taking Buddy to the vets either, because while he's never chewed through his leash, he always needs to wear a muzzle. Yes, my little 12 lb Jack Russel needs to be muzzled at the vets. And he likes the girls who work there, just not anybody wearing a white doctor's coat. So barring anything unforeseen happening, we're good to go until next spring.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
I hate losing things. Especially when I know where something should be and it isn't there. We went out for lunch today for Chinese and I was wearing Husband's wedding ring on my thumb (the fingers on his left hand are swollen due to a boar and a boar harness and a rope wrapping around his hand as the boar turned around and ran the other way, taking Husband for a bit of a ride) so the wedding ring. Is lost. When we were finished our lunch, I stood up and the ring fell right off my thumb. So it's in the restaurant somewhere, but we couldn't find it anywhere. I was even on my hands and knees looking, and we pulled tables away and chairs away. But it's lost. Not my love for Husband, just the physical reminder of my love for him. Which is really upsetting to me. My worst fear is that a restaurant patron is going to find it and keep it. Anyway, they have my phone number in case it shows up.
In other news, Tigger's reader showed up in his classroom. Which makes me feel a whole lot better because we didn't leave it in Florida after all.
I just noticed today that my toilet has rings under the rim. And I'm disgusted by it because it means the housecleaner doesn't clean under the rim. Nor does she dust very well. Just thought I'd share. If I'm disgusted and grossed out, I thought you should be too.
When we were at lunch today, we saw some people there from our church. They don't know us very well (so they like us) and were surprised to see me walk in with the boys. One other time we were at the same retaurant but it was just Husband and me because the granparents took the boys out somewhere else for lunch and we saw these same people there. Anyway, these people didn't know I had three boys. They thought I had two daughter. Two teenaged daughters. I didn't get offended, I thought it was funny. Afterall, Zoomer will be a teenager next year. But one of the girls they thought belonged to me is a senior in high school. It must be my maturity that had them fooled.
So I'm off to find my sanity, because at the moment it's missing too.
THE LOST HAS BEEN FOUND! Yay!!! Husband's ring, not my sanity. And it's all thanks to Molly. She was playing with it, so obviously the ring came home with us somehow. Oy. And suprisingly, I don't feel like too much of a dufus for searching the restaurant floor on my hands and knees.
Don'tcha just love this face?
In other news, Tigger's reader showed up in his classroom. Which makes me feel a whole lot better because we didn't leave it in Florida after all.
I just noticed today that my toilet has rings under the rim. And I'm disgusted by it because it means the housecleaner doesn't clean under the rim. Nor does she dust very well. Just thought I'd share. If I'm disgusted and grossed out, I thought you should be too.
When we were at lunch today, we saw some people there from our church. They don't know us very well (so they like us) and were surprised to see me walk in with the boys. One other time we were at the same retaurant but it was just Husband and me because the granparents took the boys out somewhere else for lunch and we saw these same people there. Anyway, these people didn't know I had three boys. They thought I had two daughter. Two teenaged daughters. I didn't get offended, I thought it was funny. Afterall, Zoomer will be a teenager next year. But one of the girls they thought belonged to me is a senior in high school. It must be my maturity that had them fooled.
So I'm off to find my sanity, because at the moment it's missing too.
THE LOST HAS BEEN FOUND! Yay!!! Husband's ring, not my sanity. And it's all thanks to Molly. She was playing with it, so obviously the ring came home with us somehow. Oy. And suprisingly, I don't feel like too much of a dufus for searching the restaurant floor on my hands and knees.
Don'tcha just love this face?

Saturday, October 14, 2006
Happy Birthday Lola!
May all your wishes come true,
And remember...I am younger than you!
Have a good one!!!
And remember...I am younger than you!
Have a good one!!!
Friday, October 13, 2006
I Don't Know What to Title This Post
Anybody watch The Office last night? I have to admit I don't usually start watching TV in the evening until 9 pm, but last night I decided to shirk my duties and have a crazy morning this morning. So I turned on The Office. I was laughing so hard at the beginning - when Michael was going to the storage room for pencils and coffee. My high school Science & Math teacher would sometimes do that if we could get him in a silly mood. There was a long counter at the front of the classroom and every once in awhile he would go to the 'basement' to get something. So funny. Wasn't the grief councelling session a hoot? Not to take lightly grief, but I was almost crying I was laughing so hard. Even Husband came in the living room and smiled - and he hates that show! Anybody know what movie Pam was talking about?
So today was another rushed morning. Partly because I had to take Zoomer to the dentist yesterday and we didn't get home until 6:30, then we had supper, Husband interviewed a potential employee, I talked to Lola on the phone, and then the boys went to bed. And I didn't feel like doing anything else. The hygenist asked if we wanted braces for Zoomer, he and I looked at each other and said No at the same time. I love crooked teeth - I think it gives a smile personality - and I love Zoomer's teeth. If he wants them we'll go ahead with it, but right now he doesn't.
This morning there's a light dusting of snow on the ground. Shaggy was insistent on wearing snow-pants, so I let him. I want to go back to Florida. I'm feeling like I should put away the fall decorations and get out the Christmas ones. I was going to say something else too, but it's gone. Just disappeared. Phwt. As is the remainder of this post. TGIF!
So today was another rushed morning. Partly because I had to take Zoomer to the dentist yesterday and we didn't get home until 6:30, then we had supper, Husband interviewed a potential employee, I talked to Lola on the phone, and then the boys went to bed. And I didn't feel like doing anything else. The hygenist asked if we wanted braces for Zoomer, he and I looked at each other and said No at the same time. I love crooked teeth - I think it gives a smile personality - and I love Zoomer's teeth. If he wants them we'll go ahead with it, but right now he doesn't.
This morning there's a light dusting of snow on the ground. Shaggy was insistent on wearing snow-pants, so I let him. I want to go back to Florida. I'm feeling like I should put away the fall decorations and get out the Christmas ones. I was going to say something else too, but it's gone. Just disappeared. Phwt. As is the remainder of this post. TGIF!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Mornings Are Over-Rated
I'm not a morning person and I'll be the first to admit it, although I'm sure my family would be more than willing to add in their few cents worth. This morning was borderline disastrous. No, it wasn't that bad, just extremely rushed because I was feeling under the weather yesterday so last night I didn't make lunches or pack up backpacks or even make sure homework was finished, for that matter. Which meant we had to do all that this morning. Which we did. And I've come to realize that we've left Tigger's reader in Florida. Oy. I'm not sure how that happened, since we had a suitcase dedicated to school books and they got tossed into the suitcase after each homework session, but his reader is indeedy not in any of our suitcases. Because all our clothes (except for the dirty ones, of course - they are scattered throughout the laundry room) and other sundry purchases are spread across my bed. Anybody other than Melvin heading to Florida any time soon?
But my day is brighter now because I was mean to salesperson on the phone. I don't know why it cheers me so, but it does. A newspaper called and tried to sell me a subscription. I told him I wasn't interested and he asked if I already had enough to read. I told him I didn't have time to read. He said reading is good for the brain cells. I told him with little kids around I don't have time for anything let alone reading. He said now is the best time to be reading, with little kids around. I said Uh, yah, whatever, buh-bye. And I hung up as he was still giving his salespitch speel. And now a peace has settled over me. Even though it's snowing. Not alot but goodness it's chilly outside.
This month is quickly coming to an end. Not fast enough on the adoption front, but too fast on the homefront. Our Harvest Party is in 2 1/2 weeks (we take the kids to a Harvest Party at church instead of Trick-or-Treating - it's the best for all around because the kids still get to dress up, plus now they get to go to a party with games and candy tosses and they get way more candy than they would if they went T-or-T'ing, plus the parents can stand out in the hall and drink coffee and socialize instead of driving them from house to house, and living in the Great White North, more often than not you have winter paraphanalia covering up the costumes so what's the point) so back the HP. The theme this year is The Exodus. Meaning anything to do with the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt. I thought maybe they could be plagues...not too much of a stretch actually...ooooo I'm just full of snark today. No, I just didn't say my children were plagues, I said it's not a stretch for them to be plagues. There's a difference. So, ideas???
Yay, it's officially afternoon. I wonder who I can snark at now.
But my day is brighter now because I was mean to salesperson on the phone. I don't know why it cheers me so, but it does. A newspaper called and tried to sell me a subscription. I told him I wasn't interested and he asked if I already had enough to read. I told him I didn't have time to read. He said reading is good for the brain cells. I told him with little kids around I don't have time for anything let alone reading. He said now is the best time to be reading, with little kids around. I said Uh, yah, whatever, buh-bye. And I hung up as he was still giving his salespitch speel. And now a peace has settled over me. Even though it's snowing. Not alot but goodness it's chilly outside.
This month is quickly coming to an end. Not fast enough on the adoption front, but too fast on the homefront. Our Harvest Party is in 2 1/2 weeks (we take the kids to a Harvest Party at church instead of Trick-or-Treating - it's the best for all around because the kids still get to dress up, plus now they get to go to a party with games and candy tosses and they get way more candy than they would if they went T-or-T'ing, plus the parents can stand out in the hall and drink coffee and socialize instead of driving them from house to house, and living in the Great White North, more often than not you have winter paraphanalia covering up the costumes so what's the point) so back the HP. The theme this year is The Exodus. Meaning anything to do with the exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt. I thought maybe they could be plagues...not too much of a stretch actually...ooooo I'm just full of snark today. No, I just didn't say my children were plagues, I said it's not a stretch for them to be plagues. There's a difference. So, ideas???
Yay, it's officially afternoon. I wonder who I can snark at now.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I've Been Meme'd
To list 5 weird/odd things about me. I'm not weird...at least I didn't think I was until I started thinking about all my little idiosyncrasies. Only 5? Here goes:
- I can only use tooth gel to brush my teeth. No paste. Only gel. My teeth do not like the feeling of paste. Only gel.
- My towels all have to be folded exactly the same way, with the fold in the middle facing out so when you open the the closet door, you see nice neat towels. Not the ends. Hate it when you see the ends. And the ends all have to be in the same direction - towards the wall.
- I iron all shirts except t-shirts - which means I do a lot of ironing since the boys wear polo shirts to school. I've tried just hanging them up fresh from the dryer, but I can tell they're not ironed and I need to iron them anyway.
- I save packets of ketchup and other condiments. Not that I actually use them again, but it just seems wasteful to throw them out. Except salt & pepper. I don't save those - that's just weird.
- I usually start Christmas shopping in August with my master list being made in July. This year I'm behind because I didn't start until September.
So now I get to meme 5 other people, so I choose: Lola, Pauline, Alfred's Mom, Julie and Janet. And if you don't actually have a blog, feel free to play along and put your answers in the comments section.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
The Curse of the Jaj's Strikes Again
We're home! Had a fabulous time and hated to leave. Oh, you're wondering about the title? I think we only made it to Florida by the grace of God and dumb luck. When we left last Tuesday, it was pouring rain. Like monsoon rain. By the time we got to Fort Erie, our van was stalling every time we slowed down...oy...but Husband was able to pop it into neutral and keep his feet on both the gas and brake and we were able to make it to the airport. Oh, and it's helpful to actually look at a map for directions before you start your journey. Got to the airport in Buffalo; the people in front of us at the baggage check-in were rearranging their luggage (family of 5) to even out the weight, so that was holding us up. When it was our turn, Husband realized he left his wallet in the van...on the dash...and the check-in lady said he didn't have time to go back and get it and we'd only make our flight if we ran. Oy. We decided that Husband should chance missing his flight to get his wallet and the boys and I would press on. Husband was able to find a police officer who drove him to the van, he got his wallet and was back in time to meet up with us at the x-ray for carry-ons. And then we ran to the other end of the terminal. A kindly gentleman in one of the cart thingies gave us a lift and told us they were calling our name. And then he told us that he does accept tips. I'm not sure the gate people actually looked at our tickets when we got there - they just said the pilot was leaving in one minute. Oy. Obviously 3 1/2 hours isn't enough time to drive in pouring rain from our house to the airport to make a flight with time to spare. I hated it that we were one of those people - you know - the one's who everyone else has to wait for and who have kids with them trying to find their seat and trying to shove all their junk in the overhead bins without bonking all the other passengers in the head. But we made it safe and sound. Zoomer's and Tigger's ears were really bothering them on the landings - we had to change planes in Newark, so that was really cool seeing NYC and the Statue of Liberty.
So the compound was great. Weather was beyond great. Shopping was fun, even with my men. Wednesday we spent the morning doing homework (every morning, actually) and then we went shopping. Funny thing - Zoomer told me he had packed everything he needed. I was too busy to check, silly me, trusting a 12-year-old like that. He packed two changes of clothes and his bathing suit. No socks (not that he needed any), no undies, no pajamas...so we had shopping to do. AND I found a Tar*get!!! Loved it!!! Wednesday night we went out to supper and Tigger told our waitress that we were on vacation. She fell in love with him and asked him where all we had been and what we'd done - he said, We went to Tar*get! It was really cute.
Thursday we wanted to take the boys to the beach but they didn't want to go. I was shocked. They said they don't like the beach and they wanted to stay at the compound and swim and play tennis and play shuffleboard, so that's what we did...as we did each day.
Friday we went to Busch Gardens. I think it's actually illegal to have that much fun. Oh, and having a map and knowing where you're going before you start out is extremely helpful. Again, that dumb-luck thing got us there with minimal hassle.
Saturday I went on a shopping adventure by myself while Husband entertained the boys.
Sunday we went to church and I was so homesick for our church that I was almost in tears. It was just so casual and different and I didn't feel refreshed afterwards. Anyway, we have a lot to be thankful for. Sunday afternoon Husband and Zoomer stayed home and watched the NASCAR race while I took Shaggy and Tigger swimming. We got to the pool and were getting our things out of the truck (Chevy Tahoe - wanted so badly to bring it home with me) when a park patrol guy starts telling me and the people playing shuffleboard that a prisoner has escaped and is in the park. He jumped a fence. And was in the park. The fence. He jumped it. A little nerve-wracking to say the least, but the park guy said the prisoner wouldn't come to a public area such as the pool and they were patrolling the park looking for him, and he said we should keep an eye out for him too - a black male. And then he looked at me and said, Ma'am, keep your kids close. Oh yah, I'll be able to relax at the pool. Meanwhile, Tigger had ran on ahead and was at the pool waiting for Shaggy and I; Shaggy wanted to go home, but I wanted a tan, so we stayed. A kindly lady had opened the gate for Tigger, letting him in to the pool area, so I told her about the park patrol guy and what he had said. She asked me, How tall is he? Did he say how tall he was? And as I said No, I was thinking in my head he's a black male in a predominantly white retirement compound...I think he's going to stand out just a wee bit. Anyway.
Monday we cleaned the house (I think I left some watermelon in the fridge - eeeewwwweee) and thinking we had plenty of time to get to the airport, we left at 10:50 for our 1:00 flight. Again, not enough time. Again, we were the last people on board. But at least we didn't have to run through the airport. Made it back to Buffalo, found our van which is now working fine, and started off for home. A map would have been a good idea, having never driven home from the airport, but we found the border via downtown Buffalo, so all is well.
And now reality.
And I had a list of things in my head that I was going to share with you about our trip, but it's gone now. I need more coffee. So the weather here is definitely autumn; and I have to cover up the small amount of tan I was able to get. And I have a stack of mail to go through about 10 inches high and 312 e-mails to read. But it was all worth it.
So the compound was great. Weather was beyond great. Shopping was fun, even with my men. Wednesday we spent the morning doing homework (every morning, actually) and then we went shopping. Funny thing - Zoomer told me he had packed everything he needed. I was too busy to check, silly me, trusting a 12-year-old like that. He packed two changes of clothes and his bathing suit. No socks (not that he needed any), no undies, no pajamas...so we had shopping to do. AND I found a Tar*get!!! Loved it!!! Wednesday night we went out to supper and Tigger told our waitress that we were on vacation. She fell in love with him and asked him where all we had been and what we'd done - he said, We went to Tar*get! It was really cute.
Thursday we wanted to take the boys to the beach but they didn't want to go. I was shocked. They said they don't like the beach and they wanted to stay at the compound and swim and play tennis and play shuffleboard, so that's what we did...as we did each day.
Friday we went to Busch Gardens. I think it's actually illegal to have that much fun. Oh, and having a map and knowing where you're going before you start out is extremely helpful. Again, that dumb-luck thing got us there with minimal hassle.
Saturday I went on a shopping adventure by myself while Husband entertained the boys.
Sunday we went to church and I was so homesick for our church that I was almost in tears. It was just so casual and different and I didn't feel refreshed afterwards. Anyway, we have a lot to be thankful for. Sunday afternoon Husband and Zoomer stayed home and watched the NASCAR race while I took Shaggy and Tigger swimming. We got to the pool and were getting our things out of the truck (Chevy Tahoe - wanted so badly to bring it home with me) when a park patrol guy starts telling me and the people playing shuffleboard that a prisoner has escaped and is in the park. He jumped a fence. And was in the park. The fence. He jumped it. A little nerve-wracking to say the least, but the park guy said the prisoner wouldn't come to a public area such as the pool and they were patrolling the park looking for him, and he said we should keep an eye out for him too - a black male. And then he looked at me and said, Ma'am, keep your kids close. Oh yah, I'll be able to relax at the pool. Meanwhile, Tigger had ran on ahead and was at the pool waiting for Shaggy and I; Shaggy wanted to go home, but I wanted a tan, so we stayed. A kindly lady had opened the gate for Tigger, letting him in to the pool area, so I told her about the park patrol guy and what he had said. She asked me, How tall is he? Did he say how tall he was? And as I said No, I was thinking in my head he's a black male in a predominantly white retirement compound...I think he's going to stand out just a wee bit. Anyway.
Monday we cleaned the house (I think I left some watermelon in the fridge - eeeewwwweee) and thinking we had plenty of time to get to the airport, we left at 10:50 for our 1:00 flight. Again, not enough time. Again, we were the last people on board. But at least we didn't have to run through the airport. Made it back to Buffalo, found our van which is now working fine, and started off for home. A map would have been a good idea, having never driven home from the airport, but we found the border via downtown Buffalo, so all is well.
And now reality.
And I had a list of things in my head that I was going to share with you about our trip, but it's gone now. I need more coffee. So the weather here is definitely autumn; and I have to cover up the small amount of tan I was able to get. And I have a stack of mail to go through about 10 inches high and 312 e-mails to read. But it was all worth it.
Monday, October 02, 2006
I'm curious to know who reads my blog (please introduce yourself!) and so I like to check out how people have found me. Someone googled - A game where you can blow up frogs in the microwave - and my blog came up. I'm at a loss for words. Part of me is shouting Gross! and part of me is laughing, and the rest of me is having flashes of what my future will hold once the boys get older...
I'm Leavin' ...
On a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again (actually next Monday) Wooooowooooowoooo.
And yet there's still so much to do. I didn't get all my office work finished, and I'm not done packing yet. The counter is messy, as is the dining room table and the living room. And the bedrooms. And the entry way. Why is it that everything gets in such an awful state of affairs as you pack? So not only is it a late night tonight, but it will be an early morning tomorrow. And I know I won't be able to turn my brain off because I'll be thinking of everything that is still left to do.
So we're off to Casa de In-Laws in sunny Florida for a week. The In-Laws - they crack me up. You have to know Father-in-Law (Fil for short) - he's a map drawer. We can't go anywhere without him asking us if we want a map. Or handing us a map. Or handing anybody a map, really. One day, Husband and I were joking about Fil and saying that at his funeral, we're going to hand out maps to everyone on how to get to the cemetary. It would make him proud. Aren't we just awful! Today Fil & Milly (Muther-in-Law...Milly sounds cuter than Mil) were over and Fil gets me to pull up a google map. Then for the next 45 minutes, he shows me where everything is. On the google map. Like I'm going to remember. And then Milly says to me Do you want me to draw you a map of the kitchen? She was serious and I tried my hardest not to look bemused. I mean, how hard is it to get lost in a kitchen? There's the fridge and stove and sink, and some cupboards...I think I'll manage okay.
Anyway, try not to miss me too much. Yah, I crack me up too. Talk to you on Monday! Smooches!
And yet there's still so much to do. I didn't get all my office work finished, and I'm not done packing yet. The counter is messy, as is the dining room table and the living room. And the bedrooms. And the entry way. Why is it that everything gets in such an awful state of affairs as you pack? So not only is it a late night tonight, but it will be an early morning tomorrow. And I know I won't be able to turn my brain off because I'll be thinking of everything that is still left to do.
So we're off to Casa de In-Laws in sunny Florida for a week. The In-Laws - they crack me up. You have to know Father-in-Law (Fil for short) - he's a map drawer. We can't go anywhere without him asking us if we want a map. Or handing us a map. Or handing anybody a map, really. One day, Husband and I were joking about Fil and saying that at his funeral, we're going to hand out maps to everyone on how to get to the cemetary. It would make him proud. Aren't we just awful! Today Fil & Milly (Muther-in-Law...Milly sounds cuter than Mil) were over and Fil gets me to pull up a google map. Then for the next 45 minutes, he shows me where everything is. On the google map. Like I'm going to remember. And then Milly says to me Do you want me to draw you a map of the kitchen? She was serious and I tried my hardest not to look bemused. I mean, how hard is it to get lost in a kitchen? There's the fridge and stove and sink, and some cupboards...I think I'll manage okay.
Anyway, try not to miss me too much. Yah, I crack me up too. Talk to you on Monday! Smooches!
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