Let me translate:
"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Nothing smells sweeter
More than you."
Yah, I know, spelling isn't his forte. But it's still very sweet, dontcha think?!
I was just playing the piano, getting ready for my voice student this afternoon, when TJ comes running (yes, he's home from school sick today) with a long box, "Mommy, Mommy, Joe just dropped this off from the flower store!" So it is a box of 14 long stemmed red roses...1 for each year we've been married...sigh...Thank you Husband ~ I love you!
Question for you ~ should I be offended that I received an anniversary card in the mail from my mom? We live in the same town. I see her usually once a week. I think what's bothering me is that in the past she's dropped it off in person (not that she gets us a card every year); I was talking to her earlier today (I need her to babysit while I have the voice lesson) and she didn't say anything about 'Happy Anniversary' or 'Happy Valentine's Day'. Granted, she probably didn't realize what day it was, so I'm just sitting here looking at the card thinking, "hmmmmmm". Maybe it's bothering me because for Christmas she gave me a gift card (which I loved) and a bunch of stuff from the dollar store, which made me feel like I wasn't worthy of a real present; that she was just getting me clutter and junk to make it look like a substantial gift...but she left the price tag on. I would have rather just had the gift card.
Maybe this is all bothering me because I'm tired. I just can't seem to shake the ever-present nautiousness of this flu; and I think I have a low-grade fever. Anyhoo, I'm also tired because at 4:30 this morning, Husband and I were awakened by a noise. We both thought it was part of our dream but it's odd that we would wake up at the same time. He went and investigated and everything seemed fine. I think we are just really that connected, that we would even share the same dream. Romantic, isn't it. But I couldn't get back to sleep after that because I kept imagining all sorts of other noises, like people walking around in the house, and things creaking upstairs; being the brave soul that I am, I prayed that the boys would fight-off of their would-be attacker as I hid under the covers. I knew there wasn't anything really, because the dog wasn't barking. And yes, my little Jack Russell does make me feel safe.
I hope your Valentine's Day is spent with someone you adore, and don't make your wife cook ~ take her out to dinner. Oh, and roses with baby's breath would be nice. And chocolate. Don't ever forget the chocolate.
1 comment:
JMO: I wouldn't be too offended about getting a card from your mom in the mail. I have never received an anniversary card from my mom in nine years and I would be thrilled to get one via mail. Just remember it could always be worse.
Hope you have a happy valentines day and a happy anniversary! JB
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