Saturday, May 13, 2006

8 Months

Today marks the 8 Month Anniversary of our LID, so may I present to you, in no particular order, 8 Things I Cannot Live Without...and people is a given of course:

1) Coffee - okay I guess this would be first on my list because you do not want to be around me pre-coffee.

2) Computer - good for games and wasting time...and looking busy.

3) High Speed Internet - high speed is a must...I'd rather be internetless than not have my high speed.

4) Cell Phone - I hate talking on the phone - just isn't my thing, but just having my cell phone gives me a sense of security.

5) Potato Chips - any kind...there are times when I physically will die (sort-of) if I'm not crunching on something.

6) Piano - I usually play the piano instead of doing housework...I'm getting quite good at it too.

7) Camera - I was thinking scrapbooking supplies, but what good are scrapbooking supplies if you have no pictures, and how can you take pictures without a camera? And not just any camera mind you - my Nikon Digital D50 - love it love it love it.

8) Debit Card - I only carry around enough cash for 2 large double doubles and the occasional muffin or cookie and I would be lost without my debit card.

There you have it - so share with me 8 things you cannot live without!

This morning we were at the NICU Reunion for low-birthweight babies. I was at times very choked up. It was very overwhelming and I need to get my thoughts together before I post anything about it. TJ had a fantastic time.

Little Puppy is still nameless. I liked Sadie but it was voted down along with Sasha and Tasha. Didn't even consider Wilma or Buela...the 3 top names in the running this weekend are Molly, Lexie and Phoebe. She was Molly yesterday and today she is Lexie...we'll try out Phoebe on her tomorrow and maybe see which one we liked the best.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

I was going to suggest Molly, I really like that.