Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Ever have to look for something but you're not sure what you're looking for? Me too. I have to find a guys name on a bill that was paid a couple of years ago, maybe in January. And that's literally all the info I have. I'm not even sure where to start. Yah.

Other than that, I've been trying to think about what to blog today. I had a headache most of yesterday; Tim Horton's was out of triple chocolate muffins this morning; I'm going scrapbooking tomorrow.

I could blog about feet, I guess. I don't like them, I think they're ugly. Like creepy ugly. I don't mind looking at a woman's foot in a sandle as long as her toenails are painted. I can't stand looking at men's feet period. In a sandle or out of one. And don't get me started on the arch. I was so worried when my boys were little that they'd have small arches, or even no arches. Husaband has a nice arch and therefore I can live with his feet. And yes, I checked out his feet before we started to date seriously. And yes, I am that shallow. If I saw a guys feet and they didn't have a nice arch, I wouldn't even consider going out with him. And just so you don't think my feet are superior to yours, I think mine are ugly too. But in a cute sort of way.


Anonymous said...

I am just trying to help you think of some ideas to blog about. They say that is one reason that blogs stagnate is that people can't think of anything to blog about so I will try and stimulate your imagination. Wasn't two and a half men on last night? I missed it partly because I was flipping back and forth between the Apprentice and the David Blain magic thing and partly because I was trying to book a flight. Tonight is American Idol. I kind of wish I never got involved in American Idol. It takes up too much time because it is on two nights a week. I think I will just let the next season pass on by without watching it but then I get to work and everyone is talking about it and I need to know what they are talking about. Speaking of feeling included, my work has a poll up in the lunch room on who we think will win on survivor. I have participated for the past 9 or 10 seasons and I have lost every time but this season it looks like I have a fighting chance. There are 4 people left and I have all 4 people. If I have them in the right order I win $130.00!! I am so excited. This is the only reason I actually watch the show.
Anyway, I know I got a little distracted but that is one thing you could talk about. Another thing you could discuss is sports. Me and AB were in Kelsey's last night and a hockey game was on tv and I realized that I haven't watched one game of the playoffs and I don't even know who are in the playoffs! Pretty Sad. It would be nice to have a blog to go to that would give us all updates. Anyway, I hope those are a couple of ideas for you

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Um, wow! Where to start...yes we watched 2 1/2 Men but I wasn't at all impressed with the episode - it was Jake's first boy-girl party and it was sooooo far from where we are with our 11 year-old...kissing and how to impress girls...no thank you.

I don't watch Apprentice or Survivor or American Idol, although I did watch the try-outs just to see if my opinions were the same as the judges. David Blain just creeps me out.

I think you better tune in to some other blog if you're hoping for hockey highlights. I might be able to help you out with NASCAR but our family sort of lost interest in watching hockey when they were on strike last year. It was glorious really.

But good luck with your pool! Do you think my blog is becoming stale or something? Just because everybody behaved for once...hmmm...