Friday, May 05, 2006

Child Actors

I have one. I should really rent him out because he's cute and he can make himself cry on demand. Is that talent or what! Ever since my SIL, Sylvie, sprained her ankle (it is getting better but is still quite swollen and she has to take it easy still, thanks for asking) CJ has decided that he has sprained his ankle too. Except it doesn't hurt every day, usually just at bedtime, and I hear a different story each time of how he sprained it. Yesterday's sprain happened while playing soccer after school. I played into it - what else am I supposed to do? I felt all around his ankle and after my hands were away he starts crying Ow, Ow, Ow...complete with tears! I'm not trying to poke fun at him; I believe in his mind he thought his ankle was a little sore and he was out for sympathy. Seeing as the child is almost as tall as me there was no possible way I'd be able to carry him upstairs. He said he couldn't scoot on his bum (didn't even crack a smile when I suggested that) and he couldn't hop, so we got one of the kitchen stools and he used that as sort of a walker. AJ felt bad for him and found some crutches downstairs that CJ was able to use. Crutches make everything feel better. He's not very good with them, so when he would stumble and step on his sprained ankle he would just say Ow, I'm okay.

I was wondering how to handle this morning, fully expecting him to see the crutches in his room and want to use them at school today. But I didn't have to worry. He started coming down the stairs on his bum, but then tested out his ankle and jumped off of the last few steps telling me it felt better today. Obviously. I tell ya, this kid could go up against the best of them in the acting department. He's always had a flare for the dramatics.

1 comment:

Ava's family said...

My daughter started doing this limp when she was about 3. My mom called me at work all worried about her. We were freaking out (she was THAT good at it) until we noticed that she started to switch to the opposite leg. Then it hit me...she LOVED watching The Wizard of OZ and was trying to walk like the scarecrow! Thanks for the comment on my blog!