Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mrs. Meany Pants

aka Moi although I don't think anybody will have the guts to say that to my face other than my own offspring. I was volunteering in TJ's class this morning and after my shift was over, I popped over to the school office to hand back in report cards and pay for the school trip which is tomorrow. Mrs. Secretary asked me half jokingly if I'd like to stay and do Library because Mrs. Librarian was away and they weren't able to find anyone else. So, I did. It was fun, but I am way too much of a perfectionist to be in a Library with children. Books fall off the shelves and they just stick them anywhere! Oh ya, so why am I Mrs. Meany Pants? Because I didn't bring candy. Not that I could have because I didn't know I was doing Library, but that really has been bothering me all year. The kids leave Library loaded with candy. Mrs. Librarian does buy sugar-free candy for CJ, but I try to stay away from Nutri-sweet and all those cancer-causing sugar substitutes...except for Splenda...I like Splenda. So the kids were all disappointed that there was no candy, and some were disappointed that they didn't get to do puzzles...correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Library time about going to the Library and...reading? Oooo, I'm really getting off on a tangent now, I better stop before I start yelling at you!

1 comment:

Chandler said...

If you want to take into account the number of people who are affected from obesity, it is huge. It is a sort of epidemic that is engulfing the population. The outcome is that people have started to turn towards medications for loosing weight. To loose weight , it is a struggle that has to be won by all. In order to have grasp on the weight, Phentermine 37.5 is one such pill that is recommended and legally approved. Even the market is flooded with variety of diet pills, the trust and place that this diet pill has made for itself among customers has not been able to be shaken by any other medication. Green tea is the natural, economical and safe way to loose weight. It is also a natural remedy for painful ailments and other diseases too. It has the capacity to heal and it contains antioxidants that protect us from free radicals. It also slows down the ageing process. Dehydroepiandrosterone - is present to compliment the L-Carnitine's task of breaking down fat reserves. Our problem is that as somewhere in our life we've learned some habits that aren't healthy. We've kind of messed up what God created perfect. The good news is that Jesus came to make us just like new again. Stop and think about it. If you bought a fine watch and after many years it started gaining time, would you take it to any old jewelry repairman if the person who handcrafted it was available to make the adjustments. And especially if his services were free!