Monday, May 22, 2006

Ironic, Isn't It

Why is it that when you are sick, as in you had no idea there were that many muscles in your body that could ache simultaneously and you can't even be in the same room as food because the smell alone will throw you over the edge sick, that the children are angelic almost. Compassionate to a fault. Getting along mostly. Why can't they behave like that every day? I'm feeling better, thank you for asking, the aches are gone (except the headache) but I'm not ready for food yet. I must have caught TJ's sickness from last week. And why is it that viruses always hit adults so much worse than kids?

There is no school today so we're just hanging out being lazy. Well, I am. Husband and AJ are working, CJ is playing outside, and TJ needs to catch up on his schoolwork that he missed last week. Today is Victoria Day and I did a little research on it just for you! Queen Victoria was born May 24, 1837 (she would be 169 years old this week) and in 1845 the Great White North legislated her birthday as a holiday. Since then, most of the Monarch's birthdays have been observed on May 24, or if the 24th was on a Sunday, it was observed on the 25th...even if their birthday was in November such as King Edward VII. In 1952 an amendment was made to the Statues of the Great White North which established the celebration of Victoria Day on the Monday preceding May 25. So there you have it. Regardless of when the reigning Monarch's birthday is (Queen Elizabeth II is April 21), it will always be observed on the Monday before May least by Great White Northians...Brittain's observe the Monarch's birthday sometime in June.

I watched a snippet of an interview last night with Prince's Charles, William & Harry. It was quite interesting in that I could understand all the questions being asked of them, but their answers were Mumble mumble mumble with a British accent and laughter by everyone. Honesly, I have no idea what they said - wouldn't surprise me at all if they announced that they were going to invade North America - it was that bad.

The words are starting to dance around on the page, so I guess I had better lay down for a while. My original plan was to get all my work done yesterday and spend today much for plans.

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