Sunday, May 07, 2006

Happy Birthday JB!

All of us here in bloggerland hope you have a special, special day! Make sure that AB takes you out someplace nice. And does the dishes for you. And does the cleaning for you. And GIVES YOU THE REMOTE!


Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the birthday wishes! AB actually asked me to write and say something nice about him but I feel like resisting a little bit because he asked. You would think I would grow out of that phase! It was a good week-end though. He didn't have to do dishes because he took me out and we saw MI III which I highly recommend which also solved the remote control problem since neither of us could control it. As for cleaning, I am just going to leave that subject unanswered. The one complaint I have about the week-end, (and AB knows that I have to complain about something) is that our birthdays are too close together. Next year we are either going to celebrate them the same day or we are going to switch birthdays.

Anonymous said...

JB left out that I had the pool all set to go for a swimming party. But "somebody" thought that 55 degree water was "too cold" for a swimming party.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Where are you from, man, Alaska?? Brrrrrr! I'm glad you treated JB to a nice weekend...maybe she should have a 'Birthday Week' as well...