CJ and TJ were part of the elementary choir and everybody got a big kick out of TJ as he did a wardrobe adjustment by tucking in his shirt and hiking his pants up to practically his armpits near the end of the play.

The auction seems to be off to a good start; I'm worried that we'll have a lot of stuff leftover, but I think we'll do a half-price sale or something for the last 10 minutes of the auction on items that don't have a bid yet. Things keep coming in for the auction, even though the deadline was last Friday...I'm too easy-going. Most of the time. Sometimes. Woman was throwing dirty looks my way whenever we made eye contact last night so I'm trying to think of a good comeback for when she inevitably will tell me her opinions of how things should have been but weren't...I thought of saying I'm tired and I've worked really hard on this, so when I want to know everything I did wrong I'll come and ask you. K? Sylvie suggested saying Why don't you go find a suggestion box and leave a comment. I want my reply to be something not too nasty, but with just the right amount of attitude so that she gets the picture not to bug me anymore about it. Suggestions?
That's about it for today. The boys are overtired from their late night last night and I just made TJ cry by giving him a look...he usually ignores my looks so the tears caught me off guard and now I feel really bad. We hugged for awhile and I giggled when he blew a bubble out of his nose. Yah, I'm mature, but you already knew that.
I would like to field your question on suggestions for replying to woman. Got these from http://www.expage.com/unnesscome
1. I like you. You remind me of me when I was young and stupid.
2. What am I? Flypaper for freaks?
3. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.
4. I'll give you a nice, shiny quarter if you'll go away.
5. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.
6. You sound reasonable. It must be time to up my medication.
7. You're just jealous because the little voices talk to ME.
8. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.
9. If I wanted some hot air, I would have farted.
I hesitate sending these to you because, although I really can't picture you using these on woman, I sure can see you using them on me.
You could tell her something like "you may be right, but I learned a long time ago that you can't please everyone", but that might be a little to boring.
My second choice would be just to stick out your tongue at her and then turn around and run. The key here is not to turn around and look back because if you turn around and see that she is sticking out her tongue, then you lose... General rule is that the last person to stick out there tongue wins. Running is really optional, but it helps to ensure that they do not get a chance to get you back.
My third choice - and not to be used until you have exhausted all other means, is to pretend like you are about to say something and then hammer her with a couple quick lefts and a right uppercut to the jaw. Hit the jaw just right and she won't be so keen on talking for a while. If you choose this last option, please have husband take some pic's so you can post them later on our blog. I'd love to see them.
Once again, hope that help.
I could actually see myself sticking my tongue out at her...
I'll have to remember some of these for the next time I see you!
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