Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I've been going through old pictures and scanning them for my Memory Album of my Dad and I came across these pictures of me on my 10th birthday. Funny how you don't remember events in your life. I remember turning 10 because I was so excited to have my age in the 2 digits, but I don't remember where this picture was taken or the events surrounding it. Written on the back was Happy Birthday Me and then the year.

I wonder what my boys will remember of their childhood. Will they remember the good times or the tired times? Springtime is very difficult for us here. Everybody is exhausted and tempers tend to be short. Last night at supper, one of the boys said something silly and I started to laugh. Then TJ starts cheering, Yay! Mom's laughing! Yay! Mom's laughing! Made me sad to think that he had to cheer because it's been a few days since I laughed. The good news is that there is probably less than 100 acres of corn to plant (out of almost 1,000) and then only 200 acres of soybeans and everything will be in the ground. It's been a long month. And then the bulk of the stress will be over for another year.

Anyway, didn't mean to get all thoughtful and serious. I'm off to spend another day scrapbooking my Memories. May you all make some wonderful memories yourself today!

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