Thursday, July 13, 2006

10 Months

Life is filled with irony, isn't it? Like how today is the 10 month anniversary of our LID which kind of equates to being 10 months pregnant. Ironic.

And like how you could have an 11-year-old who loves to work and will do anything asked of him unless the askers happen to be his mother or father. Ironic.

And like how yesterday I prepped the walls to paint Thumbelina's room today and what did I find in the light fixture but a bunch of dead ladybugs. Ooooo. Ironic. (Ladybugs are the "good luck" symbol of Chinese adoptions.)

And like how I'm all worried that the paint colour is too light. Do you hear me? Too light! Me. I chose a light paint colour. Ironic.

And like how today my muscles are sore from washing walls and ceilings. Well, that isn't ironic - I just don't like doing physical labour.

Last night the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith came on the satellite so we decided to watch it. I wasn't a Brad Pitt fan until in the movie he started singing along with an Air Supply now I like him. And I like Angelina. And I liked the movie. And their co-star in the movie? Was Vince Vaughn. Bizarre Ironic. You get it? Brad & Jen and then Brad & Ang and now Jen & Vince...there's that irony again.

So in honour of today being our 10 Month LID-aversary, may I present to you, in no particular order, 10 movies that I could watch over and over again if I were to be stranded on a desert island. Don't bother me with logistics, it could happen. And no laughing at my choices.

1. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
2. 50 First Dates
3. Sweet Home Alabama
4. My Big Fat Greek Wedding
5. Monster-in-Law
6. The Full 9 Yards
7. Weekend at Bernies
8. Oh Brother, Where Art Thou
9. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
10. The Wedding Crashers

Now these aren't necessarily my all-time favourites - like Titanic or Forrest Gump or Castaway - but I have to be in a mood to watch them. Like if I need to have a good cry at the end or something. And I love watching anything with Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Matthew McConaughey, Ashley Judd, Sandra Bullock, Kate Hudson, but again that mood thing comes into play. So share with me your choices of movies; maybe we could even be desert-island neighbours! We could communicate via smoke-signals.


Anonymous said...

We actually watched a movie last night. We watched 16 blocks with Bruce Willis. I hated his hair in this movie. He looked like a janitor! (No offense to any janitors out there). He looks so much better with a shaved head. The movie wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. Bruce was good of course, but I didn’t like the guy who played opposite him. His voice was so annoying! It was very distracting. Anyway, this is my pick for my top 15 favourite movies in no particular order…Sorry; I couldn’t whittle it down to 10.

1. Lord of the Rings (trilogy)-my favourite SciFI movie.
2. U571- this pick simply because Jon Bon Jovi is in it. Does there need to be any other reason?
3. How to lose a guy in 10 days—I am going to tie this one with the Wedding Planner- who cares/ both Matthew McConaughey movies.
4. Good Will Hunting- Again, Robin Williams
5. Princess Bride- Sentimental reasons. Our wedding song was in it and it is “our” movie (sadly)
6. The sixth sense- The first time watching it was obviously the best time. Once you know what is going to happen it is not as good.
7. Tombstone- My favourite Western movie
8 The Notebook- my favourite tear jerker-this one ties with Million Dollar Baby.
9. Saving Private Ryan- my favourite war based movie
10. Pretty Woman- my favourite chick flick
11. Silence of the lambs- my favourite psychological thriller. It always freaks me out!
12. A few Good Men- my favourite “legal/military” movie back when I liked Tom Cruise this one could tie with Top Gun.
13 Forest Gump- This was my first “date movie” with AB. Again Sentimental Value. AB always said we were like peas and carrots.
14. Titanic – I am not sure how to class this one. My favourite ship sinking movie?
15. Castaway – I can’t say favourite Tom Hanks movie because that would be Forest Gump so I will have to say favourite Helen Hunt movie??? Or maybe favourite Fed-Ex based movie???.....

My favourite actors are Matthew McConaughey, Johnny Depp, Harrison Ford, Kate Hudson, Ashley Judd and Bruce Willis. Oh, and of course Tom Hanks is always good. Anyway, if you ask me the same question in a few months there could be some changes. I would never laminate this list.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Your lists are astounding. I have a hard time remembering most of the movies let alone the actors / actresses that played in them.

My list is now biased by reading yours, but let's give it a whirl. In no particular order:

1. Good Will Hunting
2. Sixth Sense
3. The Matrix
4. Star Wars (as a group)
5. The Three Omegos (it's been awhile since I've watched it)
6. Lord of the Rings
7. Back to the Future (first seen with RJ during Hockey School - so ya, sentimental value here for sure)
8. Shawshank Redemption
9. Groundhog day - most definitely
10. U571
11. Tombstone
12. Indiana Jones
13. Forrest Gump
14. Titanic
15. Princess Bride

That's it, and yes, I did need help to remember some. I'm sure I've forgotten some good ones as well.

Anonymous said...

The Three Omegos???? Ha! Is that different version than the three Amigos? I am glad that you put the two sentimental movies that I had with you. Good move! As for Groundhog day I only like it when I am watching it with you because I laugh at you while you are laughing at the groundhog driving the car!

Anonymous said...

Please pardon my spelling. I must have slipped into Spanish there, where J's are pronounced as H's and A's pronounced as O's and C's mean Yes.

Richmond said...

I liked Mr. and Mrs. Smith too - surprised me. I hope that the ladybugs *are* a good sign... (even if they were dead.) Hang in there!