Thursday, July 06, 2006

Holidays...or lack thereof

It doesn't look like we'll be able to go away on holidays this year. I know you're probably thinking to yourself Didn't they just go away for the weekend??? Yes, we did, and it was nice. But the boys need to get away as well. We usually go to a place that has a kids program and a spa...I'm a roughin'-it-type-of-gal. But we have a small-ish building project underway and Husband needs to be around to make sure things go smoothly. So we're thinking of doing day trips. Until we saw the cost involved. Unbelievable how much it costs just to enter places - $200 - not including food and souveniers. And you know you can't go anyplace without buying a souvenier. We thought of going to Marineland or Canada's Wonderland but then I could just send the boys off to a local daycamp for the last week of July...except that cost is $150 per child times 3...not pretty. When did it get so expensive to have kids? I guess we could go hang out at the beach but I don't do bathing suites anymore. And I think if I wore a full-length body suite, I would attract some attention rather than divert it. Or else we could buy a tent and let the boys sleep in the backyard.

But don't weep for us because we're thinking of going away in October over Thanksgiving weekend. Yes, we will miss the Fair, but that's the idea. I hate the Fair. It's a rip-off. And I refuse to spend $75.00 on wrist-bracelets for my children to do the all-day ride thing. Especially when every extra penny needs to go to the Bring Thumbelina Home Fund. Last year we spent $80 at the Fair and that paid for parking, got the 5 of us into the Fair and got the boys 3 rides each and 1 game each, and I think we were there all of 2 hours. We didn't buy food or snacks...oh, maybe a small bag of candy each. Even though I don't believe in candy.

So that's what I'm pondering these days. Suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I do have a suggestion actually.

There has been a couple of people from my office who have checked it out and they loved it. Also knowing your kids and their love of water I think that they would really enjoy it....or of course you could go to parents place in Florida and terrorize the elderly.

Anonymous said...

What about renting a cottage up north for a week? The kids would love the exploring & swimming etc...

Thumbelina's Mom said...

You know I thought of that and did mention it to Husband. AND they have a spa there...but then there's the whole bathing-suite issue. I guess as long as I don't see anybody I know...I told Husband that women are so judgemental of other women and that's what really makes me uncomfortable. I have issues.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

We can't get away for a whole week is the problem...because of timing of when things will be delivered and installed in the barn and Husband needs to be here for most of it.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

The first reply is for JB and the second for case you were confuused.

Anonymous said...

That is why you need to go to a place specifically for kids then you won't get the model type people laying out on the beach judging others. You will just find stressed out parents who are exhausted and frantically chasing around their kids and don't have time to judge other women.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Good thinking - that's what I'll keep telling myself...and I always think, "just wait until you're approaching over thirty...then we'll see what you look like" - I'm not ill-tempered towards others in any way.