Monday, July 10, 2006

The Picnic

I ended up going to the Family's frightening, really, to see what you will most likely turn into in your old age. Just shoot me now, seriously, because I'm afraid of my future. Embarrassed at times, even. But that's family, right? Not that I didn't have a good time, it was fun in a weird sort of way. We were way late getting there, which was just fine with Husband. The stinker even took the longer way to get there, where we were guaranteed of getting behind slow traffic. The boys had a blast, though, playing with their cousins and I got some great pictures, but blogger isn't letting me upload them.

I was so crabby this morning and not in the mood to blog lest my mood rub off onto the three of yous reading. The boys were not getting along with each other this morning so I closed the door to my office and tried to ignore the screaming and crying (them screaming and crying, not me) but it was difficult to do amidst the bangs coming from their bedroom above me. Plus Husband brought me a chocolate-chip muffin when I specificially asked for a triple-chocolate muffin...Tim's was out of the triple-chocolate but it was enough to bring me close to tears. And yes, it most likely is PMS. I know, I know, where's a fork to poke out your eyes when you need one. But the boys are gone and all is quiet for another hour or so.

CJ and TJ are getting some tutoring this summer by AJ's teacher. I can't remember if I've mentioned this or not...anyway, they go over to her house twice a week and she works with them in Math, Penmanship, Language; last week Husband picked the boys up from her house and asked them what they learned. TJ replied, Oh, you wouldn't be interested. And that was the end of the conversation.

So I've picked out the colour for Thumbelina's room and believe it or not, I'm actually going to skip out on this month's scrapbooking day to paint! Husband said I could have a day off for one or the other, but I couldn't have a day off for both. And if the rumors this week are correct, we still might be on target to receive a September referral, which is only 2 months away. So I need to get my butt in gear.

It's raining off and on today. Parts of the Great White North were even under a tornado watch last night (not our area, but much more north of us); Husband said he'd take anything if it meant rain. Be careful what you wish for is what I say. But the grass is perking up already; we're even seeing some green bits in amongst the brown and yellow. The sky is an eerie shade of gray/pink out my office window - but not green, so that's good, right?

Are you as bored reading this as I think you are? It'd be way better if there were pictures...stupid blogger...rassum frassum grumble...and if you pass a Tim's, can you please bring me a large double double and triple chocolate muffin? Thanks, I adore you.

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