Friday, July 21, 2006

Something to Try

At the risk of sounding totally insane, I'm going to let you all in on a little something I've been trying to do...shower without getting water in my mouth. I haven't been able to do it yet. This morning I breathed a droplet of water in through my nose and almost drowned. No, it wasn't that bad but it was quite uncomfortable and I had to open my mouth to stop the intake of water travelling through my nasal passages, and ended up with water in my mouth again. Why am I obsessing about this you ask? I'll tell you. Because I don't want to catch any nasty bacterial little germy things while in China. And I know it's at least a good 5 months before we will be there, so I've been practicing. But I just haven't figured it out not to get water in my mouth while showering. So can you do me a favor and try it for yourself and let me know what works for you???


Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should lay off of the painting for a while Hmmm?

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Who asked you anyway?

M3 said...

Ok, I'm dying laughing because I've been trying this same thing myself. It is HARD!!! Oh well, at least I feel better that I'm not the only one attempting this.

J said...

LOL, I was actually concerned about this as well before our trip! Once in China though, I didn't obsess or worry nearly as much as I did before I traveled. This being said, I was careful in the shower - the water pressure was never too strong and I made sure to keep my lips tightly sealed while I washed my hair. I didn't wash my face in the shower, just at the sink with a damp cloth. I read somewhere that someone mentioned stuffing a facecloth in their mouth to prevent water entering - that would make me gag, but might work for you! I also know someone who wore those paper masks like dentists and such wear. This being said, we took a bunch of homeopathic medicines, brought along a carry on FULL of medicine and hoped for the best. We spent 2 weeks in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Beijing and none of the 5 of us got sick. :-)


Roses said...

First time I tried taking a shower as a kid, we had a hand-held nozzle. I nearly drowned myself because I wasn't coordinated enough to move the spout away from my own face.


Anyway, try showering with your back to the water. Only turn around to rinse. Good luck!