Except Larry, the middle fish, keeps chasing the other two and biting them. He's relentless. I feel really sorry for Harry, the biggest fish. I read once somewhere that you should separate out an aggressive fish...separate out where??? 'Cause he ain't goin back in the fish bowl. Oh, and the light on the aquarium - do I turn it off at night or leave it on all the time? How often should it be on? We are turning it off at night...mainly so Harry and Garry can catch a break from Larry...but I would think the light from the bulbs would warm up the water a bit and goldfish like cold water. This picture shows Larry chasing Harry:

In other news, TJ lost a couple more teeth in the last few days. Bonus points to the person that can correctly identify the food in his remaining teeth and around his mouth.

1 comment:
Your gold fish tank brings back memories. We had a 50 gallon tank back quite a few years ago but it was a heated tank. We had Bissell and Hoover which were two fish that sucked algae off the sides of the tank, and we had Ike and Mike which were two (friendly) sharks. I don't remember the names of the other fish. We were keeping a little diary at one point which kept track of all of their various names and activities. (This is when we lived in an apartment and had nothing better to do) Anyway, I think your goldfish is just territorial after having his tank all to himself for awhile and then having to share. I did read somewhere that the aggressive goldfish, if successful in gaining more territory will get bigger while the one who is being attacked will actually get smaller if he retreats. I also read that goldfish sleep at night and will sleep better if the light is off. “They” say to try and keep your fish on a schedule so they stay healthy. As for our tank, we sold it last summer sans fish at a garage sale for $10.00. Somehow, it lost all of its sentimental value.
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