Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Indiana Jaj

Do you think it's a bad thing that my boys are now addicted to Indiana Jones? CJ especially. Like that's any surprise. I was a little concerned when I saw his little brother tied up with a telephone cord and CJ was behind him with a sword (it was plastic) and they were marching along... The other day TJ came up stairs from the basement and he had on a black cowboy hat and was carrying around a rubber snake - beyond cute - except I didn't get a picture because Grampa was here waiting to take the boys for a sleep-over so we had things to do. You should see my basement though. It looks like an obstacle course of some sort - they need to hide behind things apparently. Boys.

The fish seem to be getting along better. The boys are enjoying watching the Fish Channel. I was watching them last night for a bit (the fish, not the boys) and Harry, the big one, would swim up to the top of the water as fast as he could and then just fall to the bottom of the tank. He did this about 3 times in a row. And then later on, he swam to the top of the tank and swallowed a big gulp of air and then burped it out all the way to the bottom. At least that's what it looked like because these big bubbles kept escaping him. Larry, the middle fish, tried the same thing but seemed to chicken out about halfway to the top. He would swim up and then kind of stop half-way up and come back to the bottom. So I think Larry is now in awe of Harry and his abilities and Larry just seems to follow Harry around without biting him. Garry seems to keep to himself on the other side of the tank. Fish.

That's about it. I'm supposed to go to Muther's this aft for a Ladies Tea. Woohoo. When she mentioned it I told her I didn't know if I could come because of the boys...she didn't offer that they could come and play outside so I guess I need to find a sitter. I do actually want to go because a friend who is visiting from out west will be there. And it will be nice to visit with her. But I have a lot of bookwork to do before I go, if I go, as well. And there's puppy class tonight. Which means an early supper, or a late supper, depending on how our afternoon goes. With children coming in to my office every 10 minutes asking if they can play on my computer yet. Or build a puzzle. Or borrow a piece of paper. How can you just borrow a piece of paper? Are you giving it back to me in the same condition with which it was given even though scissors and a pencil were taken as well? These are all questions I should be asking the child, aren't they. And yes, I'm procrastinating. Sheesh. See, I don't want to go to Muther's and yet I do. So I don't want to call anyone to babysit and yet I do. And the phone keeps ringing. Which means I have to answer it because Hello, I'm the office manager. I hate hate hate talking on the phone. Hate it. A lot. Okay, now that I've really scared you all away, I need to go make a phone call.


Anonymous said...

I can totally understand why your boys are into Indiana Jones. I don't remember when they came out - probably when I was about Austin's age and I was enthralled by them. I don't remember where it was I first saw them but I'm sure it wasn't at home as movies were frowned on at the time (as well as most TV shows) Could have been one of those times when mom was away for a couple days because we would usually go out and rent a Beta or VHS machine (wow I'm getting old) and watch a whole whack of movies at once to get our fill. One time though, the current dictator found out that I watched Ferris Bueller's day off which for some strange reason caused quite the stir... but I digress.

I apologize if I vented a bit there. To summarize:
Indiana Jones ... good.
Repressed childhood ... bad.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Ferris Beuller - that was a funny movie. Happened to see said dictator this past weekend and I actually felt sorry for him - looked old and frail and I'm not sure he remembers people's names anymore.