Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Another Eewweee Moment

Today is the day that our neck-of-the-woods is getting the highway lines repainted, which is kind of a bummer because it means we're not getting our road re-surfaced and the road is getting bumpier and pot-holier. I talked Husband in to going into town with me to buy paint for Thumbelina's room - moral support and he got to carry the paint cans for me. Yay! He had me drive his truck whilst he made numerous phone calls - he's always on the phone - in the past few days I've talked to our banker more than I've talked to Husband...okay where was I...oh yes, driving home and the freshly painted lines on the road. Get this - they painted over the head of a dead animal!!! EEEWWWEEE!!! Husband said Like someone's going to jump out and move it first? I know they're not, but still! EEEWWWEEE!!! And then my second thought (after the EEEWWWEEE!!!) was Too bad CJ's not here to see it. So what does that say about me as a mom and person? Am I encouraging my son's grossativity with wishes he could have seen a dead animal with a yellow line painted over it's head? I think it was a rabbit. Not quite sure. CJ would have thought it was way cool. It was definitely a first for me.


Stephanie said...

Yep, definate EEEWWWEEE!

Lola said...

Way Cool!!!!!