Thursday, July 27, 2006

Oh What a Wicked Web We Weave...

This morning I awoke with a headache. A migraine headache. I hate those. So I've spent all day in bed thus far...except I did get up after lunch, overdosed on ad*vil and watched the last half of Days. And now I'm feeling kind of out-of-bodyish. I guess that's why you're supposed to follow the directions on the pill bottle huh. My head is not pounding like it was, thank you for asking, the nausiousness is still there but not as bad, and thankfully it's starting to rain now so I don't have to look at the blasted sunlight seeping through my pulled blinds.

So the wicked web? Was weaved by AJ. I was in bed this morning (see paragraph above) and the phone was ringing every 15 minutes, as it does most days. AJ came into my bedroom and said that Great Gramma (GG from here on out) was visiting from the city and Gramma might take them all to Long Point to visit Uncle James. Cool. I had already decided that CJ and TJ would miss their tutoring session today and had asked AJ to call and cancel for me. Because I couldn't even stand up, let alone drive. So a little while later Husband came home and told me that he could take the boys to their tutoring session (ts) but I told him that Gramma was going to take them and GG to LP. To visit with Uncle James. Husband had AJ find everybody's bathing suits and we thought everything was set. Now comes for the wicked webbed having been weaved part. It was all AJ's idea. It was AJ who called Gramma and asked if she could take them to the beach - not Gramma calling to ask them to go. And when AJ came and said to me Gramma wants to know if the teacher can change the time of the ts for the boys. That was a lie. And now they're at the beach and it's pouring rain. And GG and Gramma and Uncle James are stuck with three bored boys. But me? I'm home alone in the quiet...and dark...with the stupid flies buzzing about my head. But at least they're not green.


Anonymous said...

Does it make you feel any better to know that your child is inventive? creative? imaginative? even ingenious?

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Mother-in-law thinks it was just a big misunderstanding, so we had a talk with AJ and he admits the whole scenario sounds sneaky but he claims he wasn't trying to be we've chalked it up to being a misunderstanding...I just hope he didn't pull a fast one on us. Which I kind of think he did.