Monday, July 31, 2006

Too Hot to Blog

I know I shouldn't be complaining about the temperatures, and I'm not really because I'm in my air-conditioned office. But good golly it's hot outside! The Real temperature is 31C and the Feels Like temperature is 43C, which converts to 87.8F and 109.4F respectively. I just don't think it's fair to live in a place that has such extreme climates - record breaking, bone-chilling winters (-23c or -10f) and then hotter than hot summers. An all-year temp of about 70F would be perfect for me. Maybe even up to 75F in the summertime. I guess this is sort of a complaint, isn't it.

I've decided to get highlights or something in my hair - mainly because it's a losing battle pulling out all the gray. Except my hairdresser hasn't called me back yet and I called her this morning. Which makes me think she might be on holidays and now that I've decided to get my hair done, I want it done like tomorrow. And I've also firmly decided not to get it cut (other than a trim) until just before we go to China.

I was going to blog (I typed in glob) about something else and in my head it sounded quite clever, except now I forget what it was. I think my brain has melted.

1 comment:

Richmond said...

Honey, you can sit by me.... ::fans self::