1,000 bonus points to the first person who can correctly identify the people in the picture, circa 1988.
We got the call from across the border that the friendly border guard let the trio across. Yay! No grumpy kid for the weekend! Let me re-phrase that - 2 grumpy kids instead of 3 grumpy kids for the weekend! No, they're not grumpy all the time - only when they don't get their own way. I'm about the appease the 2 remaining by taking them to Dollar*Tree*Plus because I really can't take the asking anymore.
What do the points get you? I know that it is Wendel Clark because I used to be a big hockey fan too. In fact it was just a couple of years ago when I saw him at the Tim Hortons down the street from work. This was when he came out of retirement for a few games and everyone became Leaf fan again. Anyway, sometime I will have to tell you two people I first thought that picture was before I got a good look!
I'm pretty sure the one is of you...but does your husband know about the guy with his arm around you?
JB - Congratulations! You win a Tim's coffee! Large even. Do I want to know who you thought was in the picture??
Irv - You get to buy JB the coffee! No, just kidding. And yes Husband knows about the guy with his arm around me because he's the one who took the picture.
I was 18. I look 14.
I thought you would have been 12.
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