Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Be Afraid...Be Very Afraid...

Ever wonder what happens when children are left alone without adult supervision because adults are busily working like beavers and children get bored and think of thinks to do? They turn into the Hulk:

Exhibit A:

Exhibit B:

My Sink:

The sink doesn't look as bad as last time...apparently the green happens when you mix shaving cream with food colouring. Learned something new, didn'tcha! You're welcome!


Anonymous said...

Don't you have church Wednesday night? I have an image of CJ walking in with his hands all green... because when I think back to my experiences, I'm pretty certain that food colouring does not simply wash off your hands??

Thumbelina's Mom said...

You are correct in that food colouring does not wash off of your fact, it actually spreads up your arms. Don't ask me how because I really don't know how. So we opted to stay home from church last night because honestly I was too embarrassed to be seen with the Hulk in public.