Friday, July 07, 2006

A Day Off

I read this blog-entry this morning from Club Mom - go ahead and read it, I'll wait...

...finished yet?

Okay, so how much would you pay for a moment alone? It got me to thinking. Dangerous, I know. We all need some peace and quiet to ourselves, and since I've been going scrapbooking once a month, I don't feel that constant pressure to be alone like I used to.

It's funny, when Sylvie sprained her ankle and was couch-ridden, she and I were talking about this very thing. Our to-do lists as women are long and we put so much pressure on ourselves to have everything perfect. Add kids into the mix, and its amplified by however many kids you have. I'm still learning that things don't have to be perfect, and believe me, at my house they are far from it. But even when we do take a few moments to ourselves, for some reason we usually feel guilty about it.

And I confessed something to Sylvie that I've never told anybody before. A few years ago I was feeling the pressure so badly to have a Day Off From My Every Day, that I applied to be a bone-marrow donor. I thought it was a win-win situation for everybody - somebody would receive much needed bone-marrow, and I'd get a few days off without feeling the guilt. Except my application was denied because I was once diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (I don't think I have it, I think it's just all food-related issues that give me RA symptoms). I was really disappointed when I received the letter, moreso because I wouldn't be able to help anybody.

And just so you all don't think that I'm a horrible person, I am growing my hair long to donate it to Locks of Love. I measured it this morning and I'm right at the 10" mark, but I'd like it a bit longer so as to be able to cut off the dry ends and use most of the layers that I have. So even though every day I want to cut it off, I remember my long-term goal. I might even wait until just before we leave for China to get Thumbelina before I get it cut...might even be down to my ankles by then.

What was my point? Oh yah, make sure you take some time off for yourself to do something that you enjoy...before you feel the need to go to desparate measures. And if you fall down the stairs, don't feel guilty, your Significant Other will appreciate you more for all you do.

1 comment:

Richmond said...

Oh good for you!

And yes... we all feel terribly guilty about taking time for ourselves. Gah. Though *today* if patience came in pill form, I would have taken it.