Saturday, September 30, 2006
BPOH - Yards
This first picture is taken from the grain elevators, looking at the back of the house before we tore down the old office and rebuilt the new one:
This is a picture of what our house looked like last year around November with the new office added on:
An aerial view that Zoomer took when he had his airplane ride:
Lots of space to play in the winter:
Doesn't it look cold?! I'm not really looking forward to winter; I'm more of a beach girl:
I just finished eating a Skinny Cow. Have you tried them yet? You've go to! They are unbelievably good. It's my treat for doing homework all day. Husband helped. With homework, not with eating the Skinny Cow. We are trying to get the boys ahead in their school work so when they miss school next week, we won't have to take their work with us and they won't have a bunch of stuff to catch up on. Good in theory and it actually went better than I was expecting. We'll be doing more of the same tomorrow, as well as the laundry that I didn't get to today.
So thanks for stopping by my yard. Next time, stay longer!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
They're Off
Tigger has this thing where he's giving Husband and I points for being nice to him. I don't even remember how it all started but it's quite comical:
Me: Tigger, here's your coat.
Tigger: Oooo, thanks Mom! You're in the lead by 1 point.
Husband: Tigger, if you don't put me in the lead, I won't let you come to Florida next week.
Tigger: Oh, okay, Dad. You're in the lead by 100 points.
Me: Tigger, if you put me in the lead I'll pack you in my suitcase and you can still come to Florida!
Tigger: Oh, great Mom! You're in the lead by 500 points.
Quite intriguing, isn't it. So this morning I'm getting Tigger dressed and he was being smart-allecky, so I said to him, Do you need an early bed tonight? And Tigger said to me, I think you just lost points Mom. What a kid.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Apparently I Have Issues
Just Stuff
Yesterday Husband had some office supplies to buy, as did I, so after school we took the boys to T'burg and did some shopping. And then we had supper. And then we came home. The end. Actually we had to do homework when we got home. Yes, we. Because it's just easier if I sit right beside Shaggy and watch as he does everything and to make sure he gets things correct. So it was a late night. Which means a grumpy morning, but it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. And it was kind of fun to just go somewhere on a school night. At the check-out there was a display of Easy Buttons and Shaggy pressed every single one of them. And I'm looking around pretending he wasn't my child, but when he kept calling me Mom, so it kind of gave it away. He reminds me so much of my brother.
That's all I got.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Morning's are always a bit rushed as we're shuffling the kids out the door to go to school. This morning was no exception. I tied my hair in a pony tail and brushed my teeth as the boys were heading out the door. As I was leaving, I said to Husband Are the boys in the van? And he said, Yes, they're in the van. I was a little annoyed that Tigger wasn't buckled in his carseat yet because Husband always makes sure he's buckled in, but whatever. So off we go to school. I let Tigger play his Larry-Boy game all the way to school, because he hasn't had it in about 10 days because Kid A/Husband had possession of it, and it was probably not the right game to send home with Kid A because Tigger had only had it for 4 days as it was his birthday present and it was still brand new to him. But I digress. When we got to school, Tigger had a fit (yes, he really did) because he had to turn the game off. So the tears flew freely and I grounded him from the game after school. And then I said Get your backpack and off you go. Except there's no backpack. No backpack. And he had homework in every subject last night so now all his books are at home. I was annoyed at Husband for not mentioning to me that Tigger didn't have his backpack - but now it made sense why Tigger wasn't buckled in yet - Husband just sent them out and didn't actually take them to the van. And I was annoyed at myself for not noticing that the backpack was in the house as I walked past it. Communication. Or lack thereof.
But I'm just glad I'm not a mouse today. We've caught 3 in the oven. Yes, we are having crockpot dinners until my oven is replaced. But the trap we've set in the oven has been tripped twice. So obviously the little mice who have escaped it have not communicated with the others to stay away from it. Which is good for us, not so good for the mice.
So looking back through my posts, I see that I didn't mention the whole story of the missing game boy game. I am just the Queen of Communication, aren't I. When Husband told Tigger that Kid A was going to take his Larry Boy game home until we found the Narnia game, Tigger looked at Husband and said I'm not interested in your opinion. He's quite the character.
Monday, September 25, 2006
A Little of This...A Little of That
I was having some interesting conversations this morning with Shaggy and Tigger as I was helping Tigger get dressed. It's just easier if I help him ~ you know how Tigger's are...always bouncing around being happy. So he was telling me that when he's an adult he's going to have all of Daddy's property. And he sounds like Elmer Fudd when he talks, so it comes out as pwopewty. And then he asked if I would still be alive when he's an adult. When Tigger asked me how old I was in years Shaggy piped up and said She's 21! And then gave me a knowing look. I've trained him well. So then Tigger said when he's an adult he's going to live here, in the house he lives in now. I asked where I would live and he said next door...where Matthias lives (Matthias is his friend who's a year younger). I asked where Matthias would live, and Tigger changed his mind and said I could live in Grampa's house because Grampa would be dead by that time, and it would be great because I could choose any room I wanted! And then Tigger said he thinks when he's an adult that his pals will be embarrassed because he's going to have a wife and kids. His pals are all his teddy bears and stuffed animals. And he's still going to be sleeping with all his pals. I told him that it would be his wife who's embarrassed, not all his pals.
We are making arrangements to go to Florida over the Great White North Thanksgiving weekend. Courtesy of Casa de In-Laws. This is our summer vacation a few months late. I was really hoping to have our referral by the time we went, which obviously didn't happen, because I wanted to buy baby clothes. And I don't want to go all-out crazy until I have a better idea of what size Thumbelina is...but then I'm not sure if Florida is the right place to be buying a winter wardrobe for a little one who will be living in the Great White North. I guess I'll just have to make another excursion over to Buffalo. And I'm hoping to find a Tar*get store. I've ever only visited their website and I think I would really like it there and could easily make myself at home. Tar*get doesn't ship to the Great White North so if I find a store, I might have to rent a whole airplane just to bring all my loot maybe I shouldn't look too hard for one, huh.
I'm out of coffee and need a re-fill and actually out of things to type. Have a good one.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Slackers Are We
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Thank You, Oh Great Internets
See What I Made
Now can you see?
This was my first attempt at beading, so not really having a clue what I'm doing, I'd say it turned out pretty well. I'm making bookmarks as Christmas gifts for my nursery workers. Lola, when you get yours, act surprised, K? One down, 35 left to go. But who's counting.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Death by Dog Food
Invisible No More
I must tell you that being asked to perform 1/2 hour before the service starts is not the norm at our church. Two girls were scheduled to sing a duet but one was sick, so then Mrs. Choir Director and her husband were going to sing a duet but at the last minute her husband had to go to a villa a few minutes out of town and pick up a teeny-bopper who wanted to go to the teen afterglow after church and they didn't have time to practice. So she asked me. And I don't mind because there are times when I have to call up Mrs. Choir Director on a Sunday morning and cancel because of a sick kid. Okay, I'll stop typing now.
Friday, September 15, 2006
BPOH - Bonus Room
The view from the doorway:
Standing in the door:
Why yes, that is chalk scribbled on the cork board.
Inside the closet:
I'm not sure if I remember what all is in there...
Scrapbooking Central:
Some more of my supplies sloppily on the floor within easy reach:
What I like best about this room is that it is Mine. All Mine. Which means I can leave my supplies sitting out on the table and not have to put them away right away (or ever) while I work on layouts. Looking at the pictures my room likes really sad and boring...I'm thinking I should move that knee-wall somewhere else where it will be more useful, and maybe I should get cupboards or shelving installed on the wall above my table. But I like it and I don't notice the drabness of it all while I'm in there working so I guess I don't need to worry about it.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Happy Birthday CJ!
And this picture was taken this morning:
He loves his present:
How bizzarro is it that Britney Spears' kids have the same birthdates that my kids have?
So yesterday CJ came home with no homework. No.Homework. How awesome is that! AND, he's determined to get all his work done in school again today so that he can enjoy his birthday this evening. Yay!!! His teacher and I are so happy!!!
Thus today concludes our 6-week-long parade of birthdays. I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I think I'm all caked-out. Bring on Christmas!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
12 Twelve 12 Twelve 12
Interesting fact about the number Twelve such as:
- The duodecimal system (1210 [twelve] = 1012), which is the use of 12 as a division factor for many ancient and medieval weights and measures, including hours, probably originates from Mesopotamia. As Schoolhouse Rock explains in its song "Little Twelvetoes", if humankind had been born with twelve fingers, they would have counted and multiplied using the duodecimal system. (There is no need to have twelve fingers though, since one will easily arrive at the duodecimal system by simply counting the phalanx bones of fingers with the same hand's thumb, a practice in use with some people until the present day.) What would we do without Schoolhouse Rock?
- The duodenum (from Latin duodecim, twelve) is the first part of the intestine that is about twelve inches long. Something we all needed to know, I'm sure.
- The Chinese use a 12 year cycle for time-reckoning called Earthly Branches.
- Twelve is the number of pitch classes in an octave, not counting the duplicated (octave) pitch. Also, the total number of major keys, (not counting enharmonic equivalents) and the total number of minor keys (also not counting equivalents). This applies only to twelve tone equal temperament, the most common tuning used today in western influenced music. Maybe I should mention now that there will be a test later...
- Twelve men have walked on the Earth's moon.
- And most importantly, 12 is the number of months that our file has been logged in at the CCAA.
So without further ado, I present to you my own duodenum of movies I don't ever want to watch again. Keep in mind that I'm a big wimp and do not enjoy getting scared and having to run past dark windows at night because there might be something out there wanting to eat my flesh. Just so you know.
1. Butterfly Effect - creeped me out in a big way
2. Child's Play - I saw part of it on the dish and I have no desire to watch the movie in it's entirety
3. Halloween - isn't this every person's nightmare? Having someone jump out from behind a closed door and stab you to death?
4. The Abyss - fear of the unknown; I'd like to know if it's a crazed doll or mental patient that is trying to kill me...I need to know
5. Carrie - I was a young teen when I saw this movie and although I'm sure I'd be fine watching it now, I'd rather not
6. Silence of the Lambs - I was genuinely scared during this whole movie because the story line is very plausible
7. Ghost - I was infinitely sad and bawled my eyes out the whole time. I can't watch it again
8. The Royal Tenenbaums - well there's 109 minutes of my life I'll never get back again
9. Open Water - this movie came on the dish and we didn't know what it was about before we starting watching it - gave me the shivers
10. The Cable Guy - this movie was too weird for me and I turned it off after about 20 minutes
11. Phone Booth - I don't like Colin Farrell and this movie did nothing to endear him to me; plus I just didn't like it
12. The Million Dollar Hotel - the lighting was too bluey and the plot was too hard to follow
There. My list that you didn't know you couldn't live without.
I'm in a bad mood today (before blogger went all stupid on me) because I was supposed to go scrapbooking but last night Husband broached the subject of hiring someone to help me out in the office. I don't work well with others. Shocking, I know. I have a hard time with people being in my personal space. So I'm staying home to work so that Husband will see that I can do it all myself. Boy that sounds awfully childish, doesn't it. Me do it. Anyway, I'd rather be scrapbooking.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Happy Birthday TJ!
This is this morning before school:
We let him open up one of his presents:
I bought cupcakes this morning (like I'm going to make them with a mouse living in my oven - didn't I tell you? The mouse moved to my oven) and bought a cake. Again, the oven thing. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. TJ has requested pizza as our entree for tonight's dinner, and while I'm not a big fan of pizza, I'm a big fan of not cooking. So last night was the Parent-Teacher orientation at the boys' school and directly over TJ's desk in his classroom is a giant gold star hanging from the ceiling. For his birthday. And on his desk was sitting a white top-hat with Happy Birthday written on it. All too cute. I need to remember to take my camera to school when I pick the boys up this afternoon. Would make a great scrapbook layout.
So back to the PTO (the meeting last night at school). Two good reports and one not-so-good report. Oy. I'm not surprised, but school has only been in session for a week and already a teacher is at a loss with what to do with one of my kids. If there are any teachers out there, please offer suggestions. CJ is a middle child who has great difficulty in concentrating. I keep him on a strict diet - no sugar, nothing with preservatives or chemicals - and it does help. But he's having such a hard time getting back into the school thing again. Giving excuses like he doesn't know how to copy things from the blackboard into his notebook, laughing at inappropriate times thus disrupting the rest of the class, not doing his work and having to bring it home as homework just to finish the day's assignments that everyone else did in classtime - he's in Grade 4. Homework is a chore and I get a tension headache every night. And it's things that shouldn't take any time at all like writing out a spelling list, yet CJ can stretch it out over an hour. I don't know. I just don't know. We need to change something, I just don't know what. And neither does his teacher.
So that's today's problem.
How crazy is it that when the gas price drops to 87 cents/litre, people get excited? At least me. I'm a crazily excited person. Or maybe just crazy. Excitedly crazy.
So I'm thinking of changing the boys' names on the blog. I'm thinking Zoomer for AJ, Shaggy for CJ, and I haven't thought of a good one for TJ just yet. Husband will remain Husband. That's all I can think of to blog about for now. I'm sure if I stayed here words would flow from my fingers, but then I'd bore everybody to tears. Okay, I'll stop now. Please pass the kleenex. For the tears. Because we're bored. Yes, it just isn't you. I've bored myself. That's an oxy-moron isn't it - crazily excited but boring. Yes, I'm done. I mean it for real.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Sunday, September 10, 2006
BPOH - Bedrooms
From the closet:
The picture above our bed is an Anne Geddes; it's of a preemie baby girl held in the palm of a man's hand. My girlfriend gave it to me after TJ was born, and yes, he really was that small once.
From the corner:
The mirrorred door is our closet door - it's a pocket door. When we renovated 7 years ago, we re-used the mirror from the bathroom and had it cut to size to fit the door. Did you see the Tim's cup on my dresser? There's usually a new one there every day...
A very small view of the closet:
Notice all of Thumbelina's pretty dresses. The closet is actually a very large walk-in, but my shoes are messy all over the floor so you're not going to get to see anymore of it than this. Our old bedroom closet was lined with cedar wood, so we re-used that as well in our new bedroom closet.
I love everything about our bedroom; it's very relaxing and quite often my refuge.
CJ & TJ's room:
Their room was built last fall in what was (hopefully) our last renovation. Since they've never shared a room before we thought it would be best to put their beds in the dormer and that would discourage them from talking at night...out of sight out of mind...they both have double-sized beds and there is tons of room for them to play and get in trouble.
AJ is in his room at the moment as a punishment, so I haven't taken a picture of it yet. His colour pallet is black and white and one wall is large diagonal checks - sort of to imitate the winning flag at a NASCAR race. I still have ideas for his room but they don't do anybody any good staying in head, do they.
Thumbelina's room has not changed since I painted it. So thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
The Honeymoon is Over
At church AJ is now in the teen department. Big deal. Really, it is. He now has a social calendar that puts mine to shame. But you're not really surprised by that, are you. On Wednesday's after school he has Teens in Action. This week they will be painting stuff for an upcoming activity so they're supposed to have clothes that can get paint splattered. I reminded him last night of this and again this morning, but apparently I'll be bringing the clothes with me after school when I pick up the other two. And I'll need to give him money for supper. Last week they had pizza. On Friday nights they have gym night. Once a month they have an afterglow after Sunday evening church at someone's house and every once in a while there are activities thrown in for the fun of it. So now that I'm a parent of a pre-teen, I'm beginning to wonder if all these activities really are for the kids...or if they're actually for the parents to give them a break from all the hormone-induced belligerence that spews forth from them. I tell you there's a switch somewhere on that boy that makes him happy and fun one minute and the next he's in a fowl fowl mood and nobody is spared. How many more years of this do I have??
I leave you with a picture of AJ and the Happy Kid. This says it all!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Tuesdays are Terrific
So you've probably been dying to hear about our mini-weekend! Well, since most of yous heard about it last night, I'll tell you. We went to the Science Centre as did every other person with a school-aged child within a 300 miles radius. We waited for 45 minutes in line just to buy tickets, and then another 5 minutes or so to actually get in to see everything. But the boys had a great time. We went and saw the Grossology Exhibit and learned all about flies and tapeworms and various other types of animal dung. Did you know that a fly vomits on its food before it sucks it up? It can't digest it's food and therefore the vomit breaks it down for the fly. Who studies this kind of stuff??? Can you believe the exhibit wasn't gross enough for the boys? Is this a boy thing or is it because they're my offspring? Don't answer that, I don't want to know. Unless it's a boy thing.
So yesterday was Husband's birthday and his parents threw him a surprise birthday party...where my other two readers happened to show up and hear about our mini-weekend away.
Husband hates to be the centre of attention and wasn't too happy that there was a party for him. We had told him that it was just an employee corn roast because it was Labour Day, otherwise he wouldn't have shown up. Most of our neighbours were there as well. The neighbours we like anyway. Two neighbours were not invited - one we haven't really met yet; they've recently moved in...recently like a year ago or so, and the other neighbour is just plain odd. I think the rest had a fun. There was a lot of laughter. Good times. Good times.
I thought I'd include this picture of Husband and me:
Not at all what you were expecting, huh.
So I hope your Tuesday is as Terrific as mine is.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Happy Friday
But today I need to get the bills paid, the employees paid, do laundry, pack, make sure everything is ready for school on Tuesday because I'm sure there will be nothing open on Monday...which means I should start thinking about what to send for their I'm sorry to say the BPOH Bathroom edition will have to wait until Monday; I have a mirror to put up, 4 towel bars and a picture to hang still. And I don't know how to use power tools.
Enjoy your day my dears!