He won it through a Sunday School contest and Pastor was the pilot who took all the winners for a ride. They flew over the farm. We sent our camera up wtih AJ and he took a picture of our conglomeration.

Looks pretty neat from the sky. AJ told Pastor that he likes roller coasters so Pastor did some fast dips for him...not sure how much he really enjoyed that part of it.
So today I got to sleep in until 8:00 and let me tell you, it was heaven. TJ was in bed with me; I remember him coming in at one point because I told him he wasn't allowed to talk. If I don't actually tell him that then he'll just keep talking and talking and talking and there'd be no point of sleeping in. So he fell asleep...with his glasses on...and was still sleeping when I got up.
CJ is out "working with the guys" and he's already been in to get himself and Mr. J a fruitopia. And he mentioned that Husband owed him 10 bucks already. Little extortionist.
TJ heard Grampa's voice, went and got dressed, gathered up a few puzzles and said I'm ready to go to your house! This after he already informed me that, and I quote, I'm not having breakfast, I'm not getting dressed, and I'm not brushing my teeth! Two outa three ain't bad I guess.
My brother just picked up AJ for Graduation practice. My niecie is graduating from Kindergarten tonight and AJ is a Flag Bearer (I mistakenly called him a Flag Carrier guy and he was sure to let me know his correct title) so he had to go to the practice. I need to go shopping and buy Niecie something. And today is Muther's birthday so I need to do something about that too. And it's Father's Day on Sunday. I have so much trouble knowing what to get my step-dad for Father's Day. I'm at a loss. I have a few more hours to think about it I guess. But help me out and give me ideas, will you? I'm thinking chocolate almonds or some similar sweet confection.
So for now everybody is happy. The sun is shining and the house is quiet. It's gonna be a great day!
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