Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm Ready for School

At least I am this afternoon. CJ had a tantrum - his first since school's been out. Can you believe it? And I told AJ to go have a shower because he's dirty and he looked at me and said No. ????? Rassum-frassum-grumble-growl - Husband is in town right now and has promised to bring me home a coffee. Coffee is the answer to my problems. It's my Calgon. Take me away! In the meantime, TJ keeps giving me hugs. What a sweetie.

Yesterday TJ had his first filling at the dentist. He did really good throughout the needle and promptly said That wasn't too bad at all! The hardest part for him was not being able to talk to the dentist while he was getting his tooth filled. Talking, other than reading, is his most favourite thing to do. He wanted me to buy him something for being so brave, but I reminded him that the dentist already had given him a prize.

TJ's new favourite weapon of trying to extortionate me is to say If you don't let me do that then I'll never be happy again. Is extortionate even a word? Did I just make one up? He's quite the character.

I need to go make supper now. Don't know what but it will be something with chicken. Or something that tastes like chicken. Cooking is not my forte - I can do it okay, I just don't enjoy it. I think God gave us kids just to make sure we'd eat not really...but Husband and I do have terrible eating habits when the boys aren't around.

Only 10 weeks until school starts.

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