Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Injury Report

One of my childs, and I'll let you guess which one, has injured his butt. He told me the other day that he was practicing his slam dunks, and of course, me being naive and all, thought he meant with the playschool basketball net not the regulation size basketball net. Yesterday he came in crying his little heart out - crying so hard he was choking - no blood so that's a good thing. He said he slipped and fell on his butt. Now for the rest of the story - he found a rubbermaid stool-type-tool-holder-thing on which he put a pail, upside-down. He had another upside-down pail that was on the ground that he used as his step-ladder to reach the higher pail. Off of which he would jump and and do slam-dunks. And he fell and landed on his butt. He's lucky that's all he hurt. So this morning we asked him how his gluteus-maximus felt (oh the possibility of jokes) and he said it only hurt when he climbed stairs, sat down, or got out of bed. So in other words, any time he moves. Here's hoping for a quiet day!

This week is our fiscal year end here at Jaj-ville so I've been working over time. All that means is supper is late every night and the children have to fend for themselves at lunch. So really no different than any other day. Last night I was still working numbers at 6:00 and the children were hungry, so Husband suggested we take them to DQ. For supper. I think my arteries are still coughing and sputtering. It was extremely expensive for crap but we each (except TJ) had the new Monster Cookie Blizzard which was quite good. Really good in fact.

Well so much for quiet ~ the boys are upstairs and it sounds like my ceiling is about to cave in on me, so I best see what's up.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for mentioning DQ. Now AB is going to want that tonight for dinner! Just the ice cream part not really the dinner part. We haven't tried that blizzard flavour yet. I was telling people here at work about AB and the Snail story and the new girl (I feel bad calling her that but she just started here on Monday and sadly that is what she is going to be called until the next person gets hired) Anyway, she said, "Aw, how cute. How old is he?" So I told her, well, actually he is my husband. Everyone found that quite funny. Anyway, once she meets him she may understand much better when I tell stories about him.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Too funny ~ did you follow up with 'But he acts like my 8-year-old nephew'?