Friday, June 30, 2006

All Our Bags Are Packed

We're ready to go...I wish to China...but just to the city for a mini-vacation sans kidlets. Two nights just the two of us. Heaven on earth. We haven't been away since last September, not even for our anniversary because everyone in our house was sick, and I don't count Banff because that was a business trip. And we're leaving not a moment too soon - the kidlets are all over-tired and crabby today. CJ is upset and emotional because Molly and Buddy will be spending the weekend at the vets. It's just easier on Grandma if she doesn't have to worry about the dogs. I am just really looking forward to relaxing and doing nothing or everything, whatever we feel like. I have a friend (actually she's a good friend of Lola's too) who doesn't like to be alone with her husband because they don't know what to talk about. It's awkward and uncomfortable for them. And yes, she told me all this in front of her husband. That's just sad, people. Just Sad.

Wish me luck as I maniacally try to catch up on laundry so that we'll have clean clothes to wear. And Happy Canada Day tomorrow!


Stephanie said...

Have a great time. I know that you said that you don't count your Banff trip, but I have heard that it is incredible. I would kill to go on a business trip there.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Thank you! Banff was gorgeous, just there was always some place we needed to be.