Monday, June 12, 2006

Weekend Report

TJ was sick (again) on Friday and Friday night we were supposed to go to Aunt & Uncle Seargent's place for a BBQ in honour of the 25th Anniversary of their Nuptials. So it was voted that Husband should stay home with TJ, being that he is the people person that he is, so AJ and I went. CJ had to stay home because I can't handle him. Well, I can, but my brother was going with his kids (love them to bits) but Muther has told me that my brother's kids are so much better behaved than my kids are. Yes, she really said that. So...rather than put myself and CJ under that kind of scrutiny I bought him a toy to appease his disappointment. It worked.



Anyway, under different circumstances, it would have been a blast for all the cousins to be together. But I was actually a tad relieved that CJ wasn't there because the cousins were going crazy silly over oddly shaped strawberries and bodily functions that occur when one eats a lot of fruit. Or drinks a lot of pop.

Saturday's baby shower was a success. I hate being in charge of things. But as I told Sylvie, if I throw a baby shower for everybody having a baby at work...or rather their significant others...then maybe someone will have one for me. So she promised she would have a shower for me. And then I said was just joking. Somewhat...maybe...kind-of...sort-of.

Here's a question for you - do you think in a parrallel universe, there is a world made for lefties (ie left-handed people) and all of us righties have trouble with it? Like using scissors and and hand-shaking and what-not? I just got to thinking about that this weekend.

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