Monday, June 05, 2006

Mondays Aren't All Bad

Mostly, but not all. Typical Monday morning around here with a little bit of Murphy's Law thrown in because it's Monday. I really should check the boy's homework before I'm packing up their books and ready to walk out the door, but I'm so ready for school to be finished that I guess this is my way of rebelling. Oooo. That's stickin' it to them, isn't it. So CJ had his spelling list to write out. CJ hates spelling and a National champion he will never be. Husband looked it over yesterday and I say that quite loosely because he never checks to make sure the words are actually spelled correctly. So I checked it over this morning. Took a bit of time because there were quite a few corrections to make. Then I'm packing up TJ's homework and I noticed he was supposed to correct his speed drill in Math. He doesn't like the pressure of speed drills so he just makes up numbers. He really can add and subtract. So we start doing his corrections at 8:13 - 4 sets of speed drills - each set took 5 minutes to correct. He was doing a lot of yawning. We left the driveway at 8:43 am - school starts at 8:50. We got behind slow moving vehicles, and no it wasn't farm machinery or Mr. Toad. 18-wheelers. And we got every single red light we could possibly get. When the road finally split into 4 lanes, I was stuck behind a truck with the transports to my right. Making me late people - let's get the lead out! I wanted to yell at them, but I had the children so I pretended to be calm. Finally I was free and able to speed uninhibited. Except what do I see in my rear-view mirror but the police. The cops. The fuzz. Sans lights flashing so that's a good thing, but I had to put on the brakes and drive sanely. So the boys arrived at 8:55 - 5 minutes late. I felt really bad for them because nobody wants to arrive after class has started and this was their first time being late.

So I get home to find the cabinet guys here. Oh yah I forgot they were coming. Remember way back when I told you about the bathroom cabinetry we were having made? It's being installed today! Double Yay! The sink won't be installed until Wednesday or Thursday so it won't be completely finished today, but what a great thing to happen on a Monday!


Anonymous said...

Wow - sounds exciting!

My morning was: Get up, have shower, wake wife up (gently - no cold water in the face, no screaming, no hitting her with a pillow - arrgh - so many rules!), have breakfast, get dressed, and drive to work. Pretty uneventful. Once I'm at work, I am still not allowed to throw water on anyone, but I can scream (in moderation), and instead of a pillow, I do have a little sponge rock that I enjoy throwing at the odd unwary passerby.

Happy Monday to you!

Anonymous said...

If it makes the kids feel any better I was late this morning also. I was only late about 5 minutes or so but it was enough to give the morning a rough start. I think the problem was that there was a rumor going around that there was going to be transit strike so people decided to drive just in case so the highway was a parking lot. Anyway, after I got here I found out that one of the girls is resigning. She is someone who has been here for 6 years and she was my gym buddy for a few years so I am pretty sad that she is leaving. But the good news is that she can’t go to Vegas to the class next week so they had to transfer her ticket to someone else and guess who is going to Vegas…..AGAIN! My credit card company is going to wonder what is going on with me. I just got finished telling everyone after I got back from Vegas that it was a good trip but I don’t need to go back for a long time and now here I am less than 2 weeks later going back. Maybe I will be luckier this time! Kidding! That comment was for AB because I think he is worried about a potential gambling habit. The girl I am going with is more interested in shopping then gambling so he should feel comforted knowing that. Unless I find some good deals shopping….I will let him sweat it a bit. I feel a lot better about this class because last time I was on my own and kind of felt like when you do when it is your first day of school and you don’t know anyone. This time I will know someone and we may end up being the class clowns..who knows? Anyway, this long post was basically to agree with you and say yes, Sometime Mondays are not all that bad.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Awesome! Not about your friend leaving, but about the trip. I had posted earlier but blogger must have "coughed" and lost my post, but I wanted to tell AB that he should wake his Wife the same way Husband wakes me - with a perfectly brewed and seasoned coffee. Glad your Monday is going well.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.