Saturday, June 03, 2006

Friday Night Date Night

Yesterday Husband said to me I probably might be able to go out tonight...if you want to. What a romantic! As it turned out, we had grumpity children and it was decided that I would go out by myself. A date of shopping without interruptions! I had a fabulous time. Drove to the city...not really, but it's a mini-city, spent some time and dollars at Michaels, Staples, and the Party Store. I'm hosting a baby shower next Saturday and I thought it was high time I get my behind in gear and get the invites out. Did I ever tell you that E!'s wife, S! had her baby? A boy - A! on May 1, weighing 9lb 11oz. Yowzers! So since they haven't had a baby in 8 years and have recently moved here from out west, it's the least I could do for them. And the shower is going to be at Mother-in-law's, so I don't have to worry about my home being spotless! AND I am so looking forward to eating icing. Yes, icing. Do you know how hard it is for me to just look at the cupcakes at the grocery store instead of buying them? I tell you I could eat well, not many in one sitting because the cake part would make me full, but one of these days I'm going to buy a dozen cupcakes and eat just the icing and throw the rest away. You know this all stems from not having wedding cake at the wedding last week.

So right now we're having a thunderstorm. I wish it was nighttime so that we could get the full effect of the lightening. Buddy is sitting at my feet. Brave dog. My protector. He changes position and inches closer every time there's thunder. I never used to think storms were cool but Husband likes to stand on the porch and watch them so one day I got a bit brave and stood with him. Mostly in the doorway and peeking through my fingers every now and then, but I'm much better now. It's good to face your fears. My irrationality in grounded deep within me. One time when I was a kid, my mom woke me up in the middle of the night - my dad was working and it was storming out. She didn't want to sleep in her waterbed in case she was struck by lightening. I still haven't figured out how lightening would have sensed there was water inside a rubber mattress protected by covers and a house. If it's not one thing, it's your mother. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha.

I bought some crackle finish at Michaels to apply to a piece of furniture that I bought at the auction. It's a really neat little cabinet that I want to edit a bit to fit my tastes. So I think I'll start experimenting on the backside of it to see if my diabolical plan will work. If it does, I'll post pictures for you. Have a great weekend!


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