Friday, November 17, 2006

The Office and Dreams

Did you all watch The Office last night? I only saw the first half-hour because last night was Husband's and mine Thursday Night Date Night where we always watch CSI together. So I have the rest of The Office recorded and I'll watch it later. So my favourite scene last night (as I'm thinking about all the laundry and ironing I should be doing) was when Jim was talking to Dwight but kept looking above his eyes. Funny. I have a brother-in-law who used to work at a grocery store and one night he decided whenever a customer talked to him or asked him a question, he was going to look to the left of their eyes (or to the right, I can't remember). And I remember this because I happened to be in said grocery store the night he was doing this. It really is frustrating when someone doesn't look you in the eye when you're talking to them.

I had the weirdest dream last night and woke up with a kink in my neck and now I have a headache. Plus Tigger was up too many times to count. So my dream. Was so weird. There were a bunch of us there, I know that Lola was one of the people there, and "there" was a clothing store. But is was very small and crowded, almost like a walk-in closet. And there were baby clothes as well. But I wanted a new outfit and they were horribly disgusting. Like 80's disgusting. You remember the 80's with the huge shoulder pads, wild coloured geometric shapes and different textures. ALL these outfits were like this. And I remember thinking to myself, Oh please no! No! Not the 80's again! But the funny thing is when I was a teenager, I LOVED the 80's and the styles. Remember balloon pants? And the big hair?

So in my dream, after I decided there was no way on earth I could bring myself to buy one of those outfits, someone walked in with referrals. REFERRALS! But all we got was a picture - very small and hard to make out what exactly our babies looked like - and piece of paper with the babies' Chinese name and weight. And then they were going to bring the babies in! Except I was panicking because I didn't know how to pronounce her Chinese name and what if they didn't give me my baby because I couldn't pronounce her Chinese name! So I don't really remember what happened after that; I know Lola went home with a puppy. Beyond Bizarre.


Lola said...

OOOHHH!! What did the puppy look like? I can hardly wait!

Roses said...

I got to see The Office for the first time in weeks.
Aren't Pam and Jim being totally idiots? to each other?

I love the new guy who's harassing Dwight. THAT relationship alone is reason enough to tune in every week!
Do you think he's gonna hit on Dwight's girlfriend next? That would SO be funny to watch.