Tuesday, November 07, 2006


How much of an idiot are YOU? To be honest, I had to take the test 4 times, so yah, I'm not too bright. I found this test at Little Maple's blog.

So how are things today? I feel like chips right now but we don't have any in the house, so I might have to borrow some of the boys Harvest Party Candy. Bwahahahahaha.

I still haven't decided which picture to use. These are from our photo-shoot we had to do for our dossier, but the boys look so different to me now - especially Zoomer. Whaddaya think? They were taken July 2005.

I love this one:

That's all for now.


Middle-Aged Moi said...

I like the first one! Enjoy your boys' candy.....:-)

Richmond said...

Great Pictures!!