Monday, August 14, 2006

11 Eleven 11 Eleven 11 Eleven 11

Yesterday marked our 11 month LID-aversary and in honour of this momentous occasion, may I present to you Eleven Things I Would Do If I Had a Million Dollars... although with my list I know I would need a whole lot more money than just a measly million...but don'tcha just love that song?? In no particular order here we go:

1) Give to my church, various international adoption charities, invest ~ you know, make sure we're well taken care of into our future
2) Make Husband retire ~ I'm not sure how to go about doing that but if we had an excess amount of cash, I'm sure I could convince him somehow
3) Fly first-class to China and bring the boys and various family members to help look after the boys
4) Buy the 2006 Ford Explorer complete with leather seats and NavStar that I fell in love with in July ~ we took it out for a test drive and I fell in love with it just sitting in the driver's seat but we can't swing it this year so maybe next year... of course it goes without saying that whatever year the lottery is won (ha) is whatever year of model of Explorer will be purchased...and at one time I thought I wanted a Dodge Durango but we're friends with the Ford dealer in town so we have to stick with Ford
5) Build my dream house
6) Hire a gardener/pool boy to keep the landscaping and pool looking pretty
7) Build a really cool tree fort type thingy ~ doesn't that look like too much fun???
8) Buy a beach house ~ somewhere secluded with lots of windows facing the beach ~ I really like the beach house in the movie Something's Gotta Give
9) Hire a personal trainer
10) Hire a personal chef
11) Go to Hawaii

What would yous all do if you won the lottery??? Come on ~ share share share!


Stephanie said...

Oh man, I would kill to live in that house (the kitchen alone is just beautiful)!

Rave said...

I would definitely build my dream home. Somewhere in the north....maybe Montana, or Michigan or New Hampshire.

I would buy a new car.
Pay off bills. Make new ones.
And send my kids to the University of their dreams.

The rest is just play money!

Thumbelina's Mom said...

How bad am I - not even thinking about my kids' future education! I guess that's where the investments would pay off, huh.

Anonymous said...

OK, 11 things with $1,000,000 - and yes, I have to agree with you, $1,000,000 does not go near as far as I used to think.

1. Travel (numerous locations)
2. Invest for future
3. Still work, but with a slightly different attitude - waa haa haa (that's an evil laugh, not sure how to spell an evil laugh correctly - perhaps that's content for a future blog)
4. Get a cottage on lake or ocean in tropical location
5. Get personal helicopter to make commute to cottage more enjoyable (How much money do I have left remaining?)
6. Buy toys for cottage - boat, seadoos, skis, water wings etc...
7. Get a new car
8. Take wife out for dinner
9. Buy a nice T-shirt
10. Get a chocolate bar
11. Call a relative from pay phone and talk for as long as I want - making sure I was already in neighbourhood so that call does not exceed 25 cents because let's face it, I was back to being in major debt by number 7, but it was alot of fun while it lasted ... anyone want to buy a slightly used helicopter???

Thumbelina's Mom said...

I do believe an evil laugh is 'bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha' least it is in my mind. And you are soooo thoughtful to take your wife out to dinner after you're broke ~ where are you taking her...Swiss Chalet??? (BTW that 'soooo' was supposed to come across as sarcastic).