Monday, August 21, 2006


CJ is off to camp for a week. Same camp that AJ was at last week. He'll be home on Saturday. I miss him. He went last year so he knows what to expect but I still miss him. Funny, I didn't really miss AJ all that much last week - oh I wondered what he was doing and how he was, but it wasn't the same sense of longing and homesickness. Maybe because it was his 5th year going. Maybe because he's almost a teenager and we weren't really getting along all that much before he left. Anyway, he's been very easy to get along with since he's gotten home. A week away is good for the kids. But I'm already freaking out about next year when I send TJ...oy...

I think I worry about CJ more because people don't really appreciate him the way he should be appreciated. But maybe all mom's feel that way about their kids. He's a great kid, he just doesn't know when to stop so sometimes he's hard to be around. The stinker wouldn't even give me a hug or a kiss goodbye - even after I climbed up into the van and tried to get one from him! Boys! This year he even went without Teddy. My boy is growing up.

I'm going to buy him a double bed this week and suprise him when he comes home. TJ's bed is great and it is so uncomfortable to lay down with CJ at bedtime now after having laid down with TJ. Except I only have one pair of double sheets and they're on TJ's bed. Which means I get to go shopping this week! Yay! And it also means that poor little Thumbelina will be stuck with Superman sheets...they're brand-new - what else am I supposed to do with them? I'll make sure buy girly-girl sheets too, don't worry.

So I'm expecting my house should stay relatively clean this week with CJ gone. That's the only plus. We tease him that he reminds us of Pigpen from Charlie Brown. Dirt always finds him. So my friends in bloggy-world, have a happy dirt-free week too!

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