Thursday, August 03, 2006

Storm of the Season

Very early this morning we had a violent thunderstorm roll through. The lightening show actually started 4 hours earlier and we even managed to capture some on film...or digital rather...but blogger isn't cooperating (are you getting as tired of reading that phrase as I am of typing it?). The clouds were so cool to watch. They looked like dancing Christmas lights ...or have you seen those spongy balls for kids that glow all different colours like a strobe light when you bounce them? Like one of those. Husband and I were up at 1 am ~ and I really think last night could have finally been the night of a decent sleep had it not been for the storm ~ and Husband went outside to prepare the barns in case the power went out. And then he came back in the house after a few minutes and said I think you better take the boys to the basement. Chilling words indeed. TJ was a bit upset, CJ was shivering and kept asking if there was hail but kept insisting it was cool. I told him I didn't know about the hail. Apparently there was some. We left AJ alone because his bedroom is in the basement and there was no point in getting him up. So the three of us camped out on the basement floor for about 30-40 minutes until Husband gave us the all clear to go back to bed. My body is not made for floor-sleeping anymore. And it's hard to relax when you're imagining all sorts of horrible mishaps happening to your beloved out in the middle of torrential rains and howling winds. Yes, Howling Winds. As in horizontal rain coming in under the door Howling Winds. Husband read on the internet that at 12:19 am Environment Canada issued severe weather warnings and recommended people take cover. Anyway. Today many of our neighbours have trees down. Trees. I have some dead flowers that were knocked over but that's about all the damage at our house. And this is some of what the CBC had to say about the storm:

Environment Canada said a trained weather spotter reported a tornado
touched down in the area of Highway 401 and Highway 6 at around 3:20
p.m. ET.
At its peak, the storm's winds hit 120 kilometres an hour.

I think the 120 km/hr was in our neighbourhood. And I'm sure they mean 3:20 a.m. and not 3:20 p.m. People typing the news should really pay more attention to what they're doing.

Today's rain is almost here and hopefully we won't have a repeat of last night's storm.


Anonymous said...

I do agree that people typing the news should pay more attention to what they are doing, but in this case they were right. I live not far from the area the tornado touched down and it did happen in the afternoon. See we got that nasty storm twice yesterday. Once around 3:20PM and once again between 9:30 and 10:00 PM. We sat watching it the second time and I was concerned about the trees falling on the house. We did place the cat in the basement for safekeeping, however we were standing in front of the windows. Don't ask me what we were thinking. It seemed like a good idea at the time.

Thumbelina's Mom said...

Storm watching in front of a large picture window...hmmm...

So you guys got the storm twice! Nasty! Lola ( ) said a tornado touched down about 15 km from her house and we are roughly that far away from her place...I wonder which direction it touched down.

CJ said he knows there's going to be a tornado yet to come this summer. Eeerie. I don't think he's psychic...psychotic maybe...oh did I just type that? No, I didn't mean it at all.