Friday, August 18, 2006

BPOH - Dining Room

Welcome to my Dining Room!

This is the view from the living room:
I didn't get a close-up picture but on my table is a rooster runner from Lola and a candle-holder made out of tobacco slats from some guy we let hunt in one of the fields. I'll have to get a close-up and post it later on. Since my pictures have loaded nicely, I don't want to jinx anything by trying again.

A small table my Dad made in High School:
On the bottom shelf of the table is a rooster that Molly got ahold of and chewed - it's my Mom's...shhhh - don't tell her!

My antique doll carriage:
This was a Mother's Day gift one year.

My collection of chickens:

The thing that really really bugs me about my dining room is that the light is off-centre of the window; it's not even in the centre of the ceiling. So as you can see in this poorly lit shot, it is way off to the one side; we can't have the table any closer to the hutch because there's no room for people to move their chairs to get in and out...I've it makes for poor lighting for the people on the other side of the table, especially in the winter.
This shot is from my kitchen.

I love everything about my dining room except for the placement of the light; I love the furniture we've picked out although I'm not too fond of the shape of the table - it's an oval but with the size of the room we didn't really have any other choice...people would always be banging into the corner of it on their way into the kitchen if it was square...but you'll have to wait for next week to see that!


Sandy said...

I really like your dining room table and the windows. We had to have our light fixture moved to center with our table. I live your chickens, too.

Shannon said...

Your dining room looks so fun!