Friday, August 25, 2006

BPOH - Kitchens

This week is Kitchens on Bloggy Parade of Homes, courtesy of Shannon. This is the view of my kitchen coming in from the office:
You can see the dining room beyond the kitchen and the living room to the right of the dining room.

The view coming in from the entry way:
The window in the kitchen looks into our sunroom, but you're not going to be seeing that because it is falling apart (leaky roof) and needs to be rebuilt. I'll show you pictures a year from now when it's finished.

The view from the living room:

School Central:
Soon this cork board will be filled with the boys schedules and everything school related. I painted the birdhouse because I like birdhouses, and Lola gave me the angel up above. Another friend gave me the chicken fly-swatter thingy and yet another gave me the butterfly cross-stitch. How embarrassing that I didn't even straighten it!

My most favourite feature of my kitchen:
You know how they say the kitchen is the heart of your home? Well, the coffee pot is the heart of my kitchen.

The feature I like best (other than the coffee pot) is the size of the counter. It's extra wide and it's great for doing school projects and crafts. And it's where we usually eat. What I don't like are the knobs on the cupboards, just haven't gotten around to getting them changed yet (after living here for 11 years) and someday, hopefully soon, we will be replacing the floor with tile and at that time I will finally get my tile back splash. It's not in the budget just yet. I like my black appliances but they are starting to wear down (why is it that everything starts to go at once?). I think it would be cool to replace them with stainless steel appliances, but then I'd need a granite countertop to match. I'm not too fond of the pink.


Forgot to mention that I really really really want an island. I've been looking at those island carty thingys on wheels, but I haven't found one the size that I want, and I'm not sure where I would wheel it to when not in use. But I still want one. No, I need one.

1 comment:

Lisa~~ said...

So many cabinets, wish I had that much storage space. Very nice.