You Are 23 Years Old |
![]() Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe. 13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world. 20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences. 30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more! 40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. |
I always knew it! And since today is my birthday and I'm nowhere near being 23, this made my day!
I'm wondering if you can help me, how do you post these quizzes into your blog? I'm trying to do that as well as post photo albums but haven't figured it out yet....please help if yu can.
Happy Birthday! Have a great day!
Mine said: You Are 28 Years Old and this made my day!
Hope you had a great Birthday!! If I had known sooner, I might have taken you go-karting. Do you just celebrate the birthday day, or do you like to stretch it into a week or a month?
Pauline - when you do the blogger quiz, click the box that says 'live journal/blogspot' and then click on the copy button. In a new window (I don't really know if you need a new window but I always do) open your blogger account and after you've started your new post, right click and paste and the quiz should show up. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
AB - Go-karting would have been fun. Instead I spent the morning cleaning AJ's room - I always do a thorough clean and surprise him when he comes home from camp - and in the afternoon I did laundry for CJ to go off to camp today, and I managed to squeeze in a little bit of scrapbooking. We also had take-out from the crappy diner down the road...actually last week was mostly take-out so I guess that's a birthday week isn't it.
I was listed as 22 years old. Those were the days! Of course, I think I have been going backwards in the maturity department. Something about the company I keep. I hope that you had a very good birthday week-end and that your children had a lot of surprises planned for you. Good surprises I mean. As for take-out being the indicator that it is a birthday week..every week is birthday week at our house!
Thanks jaj!
Thanks JB - the boys need help in the surprise department - especially the big one - but we'll just leave it at that. As for take-out, I just can't seem to keep any kind of schedule during summer months so for that reason only, I'm looking forward to school starting again. Then I'll have a plan. I make a menu a week in advance, and I usually have supper ready shortly after lunch and then when we get home from school I only have to pop it in the oven. Or it's a crock-pot supper. So I guess I should relish in the two glorious weeks of take-out that are left =)
I had actually forgotten to tell you. When the boys were at our house, CJ saw my Rose Bush and gasped and asked me if he could cut some Roses and bring them home to you. I told him he could. Of course then swimming happened and I think it slipped all of our minds, but I wanted to tell you that he was thinking of a good surprise for you that day.
He is very much a sweetheart but he hides it under his rough exterior. The first time he went on a school trip he was in Kindergarten and they went to Lion Safari. He bought me snow-globe for like 3.99 or something. It is proudly displayed in my china cabinet...if only they didn't have to grow up...
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